Field Trip will refer to an excursion that requires one-tank of gasoline or less. A Road Trip will be the one where you start whining, "Are we there yet?"
I developed pneumonia in March and I didn't get a chance to share the final leg of the cruise with you. It's time to finish that journey. Are you ready?
THE DISTANCE: 3,924.49 miles!!
That's almost 4,000 miles and it's going to require planes, trains, automobiles, big boats, little boats and shoe leather to arrive at our destination.
The cruise ship arrives in Puerto Vallarta early in the morning to the sight of new construction.
There are both types of pirate ships at the dock. The kind that serve booze and show you a good time.....
and the kind that belongs to a Mexican politician. Yeah, the other kind of pirate.
When we walk off the cruise ship there's a path that leads to a catamaran that's going to take us down the coast to Yelapa.
Did I mention that the Farmer thinks he's Indiana Jones? That's OK, I've decided that I like being his Marion. We like to find rural, rustic places where there are no roads. We found it....Yelapa.
The cruise down the coast is so relaxing. Look at the beautiful water with land barely visible.
Yelapa is a sleepy little fishing village and we're told it's just around the bend.
Have you ever read the book, Lost Horizon? That's what it feels like when you see Yelapa for the first time. It's like stumbling upon Shangri-la. The small houses and palapas climb up the hillside.
Small boats are tied in the sheltered bay.
Welcome to Yelapa. Let's look around.
First, here's proof of my theory that there is a "buzzard's roost" in every small community around the world. All the men are gathered to talk about...whatever!
And here's another theory of mine. Every community around the world has a "bosca". There's not an English word that works as well. "Bosca" is Polish for bossy/busybody. This is the town Bosca. She doesn't speak English nor Spanish, she speaks a native Indian language but the doesn't stop her from making sure the tourists head the right direction up in to the village.
Where's you going?
Everybody over here.
The description of our day trip said there's a waterfall just 400 yards from the dock. I forgot that 400 yards translates to 4 football fields. Uphill. Over some cobblestones.
It's worth the climb, don't you think?
One of the guys from our boat takes a dip. He says it's cold. I'm not brave enough, are you?
This town did not get electricity until 9 years ago. And now they've all got cell phones and satellite dishes.
I don't know how I feel about that. I'm sure they're glad to come into the 21st century but wouldn't have it been magic to stay here back then and see the night sky?
Come back tomorrow. There's too much to see to do it all in one day. Tomorrow we're going to walk through the little town and down some steep stairs to the beach. There's a big surprise waiting for us down there. Don't be late!
Okay, I'll be here. Your little Bosca there looks as if she's wondering why you're always taking her picture. ;D
So he's Indiana Jones and you're his romantic!
OH - I dont know if I can wait!!! I love your trips SUE! It would have been fun to be able to go there with no electric, cell phones, cable and all that other stuff...
Bosca just walks around in her sleeping gown all day? Hmmm, she could have at least dressed up a bit while playing tour guide.
The Blue Ridge Gal
That was fun, love that little old lady. My grandparents didn't have running water or electrcity until1977, and it was fun..for kids. Probably not for Grma hauling water from the pump to the chickens, heating water to do dishes, and using the out house at -25*. Not to mention the work Gmpa had to do, but he liked it that way, he did, he like it that way. He would say "people used to poop outside and eat in the house and now they eat outside and poop in the house". When He died Grma got the porcelain throne she deserved.
Now wait a second...a podunk little village in Mexico gets satellite and cell phone signals, and we're > < this close to not being able to receive them here! I bet they even have dsl too!! Thats it, I'm moving. Move over Bosca, here I come!
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