This is an absolute disaster. Somehow we find ourselves with a three-car garage with zero cars parked inside. I cannot sleep at night knowing all this mess lies one story down. It's crazy making stuff.
It's pathetic and it's got to stop.
Some of the stuff, like the cardboard, was easily dispatched with this morning's garbage pickup.
The old refrigerator is going require them to come out here with a special truck. In the next picture you'll see the back of a cool 1960's walnut hutch that my daughter has yet to retrieve for her new apartment. Unfortunately we must keep our large garbage can and recycling bin in the garage or the animals get into it and then I'm doing garbage duty on two acres.
One corner is filled with 800 lbs. of porcelain tile yet to be laid.
Let's not forget that my son and I have already laid down 1,100 square feet by ourselves.
One dead ironing board, two broken vacs and a carpet cleaner in need of repair. (Sing that to the tune of Partridge in a Pear Tree).
You've seriously got to wonder how this could happen. I swear there's no excuse.
EXCEPT.....I found evidence that this stuff has been breeding at night when I'm not looking! They're drinking cheap white wine in a box and partying into the wee hours. Fourteen days later there's a new crop of junk.
I have evidence!!!!
My garage sale junk mated with my gardening equipment. The result? This mini-garden rake with NO TEETH!!
And look at this:
An unborn broom still in the hanging basket's womb....... not yet fully developed - no handle!!!
Two days of work and things are starting to look a little more organized.
Wish me luck because I'm going back in there tomorrow. If they've been partying again, somebody's gonna pay.
OH - those dirty garden tools will do it every time! LOL They have no morals. *snicker* What you did looks wonderful and there is not one person alive that hasnt had a space look like that at some point in time!! The little gingerbread house on the hutch caught my eye - it looked so out of place and so dog gone cute!! We have rain and cold right now to - this is March weather in April, so much for global warming huh! We have got to start planning your trip!!
Wondering why the rest of that tile hasn't been laid....
Maybe it is the tile that is instigating the entire orgy.
Oh no! This looks so much like my own garage that I just told J that we're going in ifs, no buts. You're doing great work and I do hope that your daughter gets her cabinet before the glass gets broken.
Ok, now I am being shamed into heading out for my garage. Our car had to spend the winter outside.
You are so funny. I have to wonder what in the world happened to that ironing board???? I mean, I hate ironing but I've never been that fed up ;)
It looks great now! And doesn't it feel so much better?
Oh dear ... that sort of looks like my spare bedroom..
Just repalce the garden equipment with ..fabric stash ...yarn stash ... boxes of Xmas ornaments and other assorted stuff ... books that I have read but might read again ...sighhhh
Wow, good luck! We don't have a problem with that considering we don't have a garage yet, but we're about to start building a house with a 3 car garage, so I know its coming!
Two friends are storing garage sale items in my basement-two separate areas of clutter. You have no idea how happy I will be when they have their garage sales and the stuff is gone!
Keep on organizing Suzanne, it is a lot of work but the garage looks better already.
Suzanne, you make me laugh. And you seriously need to watch out for those ironing boards. They are the instigators. My new board decided that I was never to come back into my sewing room and fell to the floor from behind the door. Of course I was in the kitchen and it was very interesting moving it from the hall to get back in the room.
I am going thru boxe o'crap too. My brother finally admitted that he didn't want anything in the 14 boxes we brought home when we sold mom and dad's house. Do you have a place to sell good antique things and just good stuff? An auction house or estate sale people? Would love the info if you do.
Om my goodness, I'm sure glad I kept reading, I love a happy ending.I know, let's get all of our bloggy friends together and have a junk swap,one man's trash...
oh no.. I will only come to the get together if I don't have to take any thing home LOL
This is exactly the reason why I believe everyone needs to move at least, at very least, every 10 years. Then there is no choice but to start tossing.
Hey Suzanne--are you living my life?? I've got the whole aging parent thing going on, my attic is bursting at the seams, stuff in every closet and I just want it all to go away!! Let's keep our chins up and find something to be thankful for everyday...maybe the good things will outnumber the not-so-good. I hope things warm up there soon and that spring will bring new and exciting things for you! I don't feel so bad about my messy garage! Those white chairs are just like my kitchen set!
Hope all is well with you..I am trying to get back in the swing of things!
I love purging... and organizing! It looks great!!
Man did I miss some fun while my computer was down(thanks to me--yea me). You have been busy! My brain feel as full as my--er your garage, so much catching up to do!
You are nuts Zanne. Mating garden equipment...whatever next
Love your thoughts on feminism by the way, very wise words.
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