Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fashion Faux Pas? You decide.

Recently the weather took a turn to chilly. It was a pleasant development after suffering through drought and Texas-style heat all summer. I moved the sweaters and warmer clothing items to the front of the closet, anticipating what's coming as sure as the sun rises.

It was very cold one day, the kind of day that has us all saying, "The frost is on the pumpkin." I'm very, very reluctant to give up wearing my Privo sandals. They are absolutely the most comfortable shoe I've ever worn and problems with neuropathy make comfortable shoes a must.

Anyway, on this really cold day I decided to don a pair of white socks and my Privos. WOW, did I get a reaction from the men-folk in the house. They had quite a giggle at this layering.


They found white socks and sandals quite amusing and told me this was certainly a fashion faux pas! Really? No, I'm not questing the fact that it mightbe but that the guys were calling me out. I didn't know they had a fashion bone in their bodies, much less an opinion.

So, what about you? Do you go for fashion or through caution to the wind for comfort?


life in red shoes said...

In my younger days fashion reigned supreme, and no shoe was cast aside because of the pain it inflicted.
Fast forward and now confort is king. I have paid dearly for vanity, and my feet cry reall tears these days. Privo is good, I really liked the pair I had. Keen is also another one that fits my foot well. But much to my families chagrin, Crocs rule at home :)

P.S. My choices are nearly always red.

Cheryl said...

Maybe socks that are a shade lighter than your shoes or some really funky print that makes a statement, like "I don't care a twit if you laugh at me. I'm comfy."

Vee said...

I don't give a royal fig quite frankly. My feet are tired and I prefer comfort, which is exactly why I'm wearing my flip-flops still. Still. I mean I wore a coat today yet flip-flops on my feet. That has got to be a big fashion no-no. I'll have to look for some of these shoes you're describing as so comfortable.

Unknown said...

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Ruta M. said...

Comfort over fashion any day. My feet are really broad so for work I wear one of my 9 pairs of brightly coloured crocs. Teemed with brightly coloured socks that match or contrast they make my own fashion statement. When It gets too cold then out will come the Ugg boots.

Mary Rex said...

Comfort first! How can you get anything done, much less have fun if your feet are bothering you?!

I might wonder myself about the white sock/sandal combo...but to have your fashion-boneless men comment is pretty darn funny.

Today is the first day since warm weather started back in early April, that my toes are not free! It's cool and rainy here. I have on a pair of 'Wolky' Mary Janes. No socks though.

Susan said...

I say comfort first also. I have had trouble with my feet for years, so whatever doesn't hurt is the shoe of the day. However, I keep a large supply of cute, colorful socks that make a statement on their own to wear when comfort and fashion must collide!
Best wishes on a pleasurable, comfortable fall season, socks or not!

Susan said...

I say comfort first also. I have had trouble with my feet for years, so whatever doesn't hurt is the shoe of the day. However, I keep a large supply of cute, colorful socks that make a statement on their own to wear when comfort and fashion must collide!
Best wishes on a pleasurable, comfortable fall season, socks or not!

Terri said...

Long as you are home, and not out in the public, I say wear anything you want to. (Then there is the "old lady" thing, and I wear what ever in public cause I'm an old lady and I don't give a --it what anybody else likes - except my hubby.)

Leslie T. said...

I say rock those Privos, Suzanne! If you like it, well that's the hot ticket!
Okay, for myself, no I wouldn't wear socks and sandals. But then again, most people wouldn't wear some of the other crazy stuff that I do, and there are even people in this world who don't consider a tutu to be actual clothing, but then what do they know? :)
I think that what you wear is your business, as long as you're not stopping traffic, and as long as you're not strutting the boulevard in fishnets and a corset. Hee hee.
Wear what brings you joy, and chuckle along with the menfolk when they point out your faux pas. Laughter is good. Even when it's directed our way. I say you just laugh along with them, and then strut those Privos and make your feet happy.

Millicent said...

I also go with comfort over fashion. I'm willing to bet that many of your commenters are over 40 - since they agree. I would wear them with cute, funky print socks and get double "fashion" bang for your money and have fun with it. I'm going to have to look for this brand - not seen it before. I'm here in Texas and we are still having temps in the 90's daily, so I envy your cooler weather.

Dorothy said...

Throw caution to the wind.
Until I leave the house. Haha.

Thirkellgirl said...

I would Judge you in real life if I saw you with white socks and Privos at the grocery store. I'm sorry, but I would feel superior to you. That said, I live in Merrell clogs or Sperry topsiders all fall and winter, so who am I to judge? It is pretty hilarious that your guys not only noticed but commented!

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

I've wondered the same thing! I wear flip flops or brown crocs around the house like houseshoes! I've never heard of Privo, but I like the look! I have really bad feet! I say wear cream colored socks or patterned hand knit ones. I have friends who love to knit socks, but I have yet to learn! I do know that comfort is the deciding factor of whatever shoes I wear! I'm looking for some comfy boots!

Katharina said...

COMFORT first. Here it is Crocs and handknit socks at home or in public. Take good care of your feet!

Blondi Blathers said...

I couldn't care less what the fashion is. Who makes up the fashion rules? If it isn't me, I'm not listening.

Vee said...

I was here this morning thinking about gently chiding you for doing the Vanishing Blogger routine again. So glad that I didn't now that I know what you've been up to. Oh what great blog fodder you must have now!

Tess said...

Ditto Vee...

Hotquilts said...

OMG! I fell in LOVE with my Keen sandals two summer ago. I mean, they went everwhere with the best fit and comfort I used to just dream of. Kayaking, camping,shopping, errands,work;they could go anywhere, anytime. These Keen sandals get tossed into the washer and dry on my back porch. I've been wearing them with my white "no show" socks. No one here said a word. In our neck of the woods, carharts win over fashion, hands down. There is just too much cold, snow and ice to care about what's "hot".

Anonymous said...

I think your sandals are adorable. I see men wearing white socks with Nike sandals all the time. Fashion today is about comfort.


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Anonymous said...

Hey Suzanne, are you quitting blogging?

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Anonymous said...

What is going on? Do I need to delete your blog? Miss you..

Faye Fossay said...

Great to find you Suzanne! I too am looking to find some fabulous farmwives that I can share a common ground with! Looking forward to following ur posts! :)

Millicent said...

Suzanne, I miss you! I was hoping to find a Monday morning meeting today with snippets of your Thanksgiving holiday. Hope all is well!

Vee said...

You know that song, "Where are You, Christmas?" Well, I've taken to singing it "Where are You, Suzanne?" Miss you and hope that all is very well with you.

Anonymous said...

Comfort first. They are your feet and you have to walk around in them all day. I wear socks with sandals and don't care what anyone might say about it. When my feet hurt I am unhappy. I will look into the Privos if they are as comfortable as you say they are.

Dorothy said...

I am so missing you and the Monday morning staff meeting. Where are you? Are you ill or someone in your family ill? I don't want to stop opening your blog but it has now been almost 3 months.
Miss you, so come back soon.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, just one or two words. Tell us you're ok. So many people miss you.

bv said...

oh dear suz, please come back! your blog is being taken over with the strange and weird.....just a word that tells us your good....or not...
BV xoxo

Millicent said...

Ditto, Dorothy. We miss you and Monday mornings just aren't the same anymore.

Pamela said...

I know . . . I keep checking the blog - hoping for a new entry! We miss you! Hope you are OK! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Anonymous said... point in continuing to check this blog.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the others just a word to less know you are okay.linda

Pam said...

same here, does anyone know what is going on with Suzanne?? I keep checking and nothing.

Millicent said...

Happy New Year, Suzanne! Praying you have a good and prosperous 2013. Missing your posts and hoping you had a good Christmas with your family.

Paula Jo @ home and garden said...

your sandals are really cute and look comfy. It doesn't matter what other people think of your socks and sandsls. If you are comfortable wearing them, then by all means go for it. Shopping is alot of standing, so I usually wear my most comfortable too.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what has happened to Suzanne?

Unknown said...

Very sweet and touching post. It's only been a couple of years since my "baby" got his license, and now he seems like such an old hand at driving, but yes, it is definitely a time when they are free to make more choices on their own.

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Millicent said...

OK, I refuse to give up. I WILL come to your blog everyday until I see you've posted again. Praying all is well, that you're just busy, and that you will resume your blog one day soon.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Miss you Suzanne! Hope you will be back to posting soon!

Anonymous said...

I think the porch light has been turned off. A word as to whether you ever intend to continue would be appreciated by those who enjoyed your blog...

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