The dark black clouds were throwing deep rumbling thunder ahead of it and it was the deepest, darkest sound I've ever heard. It seemed to still be a distance away, but in the three minutes it took me to get upstairs it was upon us. That fast!!! The large tree at the corner of our house was literally bending in half and I was sure that the family room was in danger of being crushed.
Then the sky turned from dark blue/black to sickly greenish color. I think we all know that nothing good can come from that. Rain hit hard, but the wind was the major player in this storm.
The electricity went out the moment the storm hit. The Farmer somehow drove the gauntlet and made it home just in time to attempt to fire up the generator. Unfortunately, since we haven't started it for awhile, it simply would not fire up. Let's just say he was spewing a few choice words as he heard all the neighbors starting up their generators one at a time.
After the worst of the storm passed, neighbors walked up and down the road with flashlights making sure everybody was OK.
Out here, being without power means you're without everything, most importantly water. The water is pumped from our individual wells with electric well pumps and without electricity there are no showers, no toilets. toilets.
The tag line on my blog reads, "Nine Miles from Anything" and yesterday morning I was 9 miles from any type of electrical power. I drove that nine miles to the nearest McDonald's (with power) and brushed my teeth, used the bathroom and grabbed breakfast and a cup of coffee.
The extent of the damage only became apparent at first light on Tuesday morning. Just before I left the house I could hear the chain saws firing up. When I returned I donned my work clothes and headed up to Betty and Ed's house where the worst damage occurred. It would be a long day.
Please come back tomorrow because you will not believe their damage and the clean up. (I'm resizing the photos).
Here's one photo. This is the first thing I saw when I arrived and the least of the damage.

This whole incident has to be witnessed to be believed.
I get nauseous when I read about storms. I've lived it. (tornado in 95) I'm so glad you are safe.
Truly frightening! So glad you are safe, and it's so nice that you all help the neighbors. :)
How scary! I am so glad that all of you are okay! I hope your home wasn't damaged. I really am afraid of bad weather.
I feel your pain. We're on a well, too, and a few years ago after a hurricane we were without power for three days. And it was the *one time I'd ignored an incoming storm so I didn't have a supply of water in the bathtub for toilet flushing! (We now have a rain barrel that will give us several flushes in a pinch, ew). Do you have a stocked freezer to worry about?
Oh Suzanne how frightening for you in the middle of that storm. But how wonderful that everyone is ok - barring some physical property damage that can be mended. Were all the animals ok? How long were you without power? I'll be thinking about you as you help your neighbors in the clean up process. Blessings, marlene
How scary!! No tornado? I'm glad everyone is okay!
So glad everyone is safe! As soon as you said no electricity I knew that meant no water too. Grew up on and still have well water. I had to explain this concept to my husband when we moved to the little farm.
PS- Wish I could share the little store with you!
Storms like that are so hard for me to imagine, but they sound absolutely scary & just horrible! I think I'd rather deal with the quakes we have then the twisters you have. I hope everyone is okay and that none to minimal damage is all there is. Prayers for you all.
Suzanne, I am so glad no one was hurt!
It is so awful to see that sick green color in the sky and know what is coming. When we moved from Ohio to California, I was very happy to leave tornados and severe thunderstorms behind! (I'm a wimp!)
We are also on a well,and were without power for 4 days last January. Not fun!
WOW! I am so glad everyone is ok! How smart of you to drive to McDonald's. I would have just sat in my house, thinking 'what the heck am I going to do now'.! Good for you!
We don't have tornados here, but my power goes out a couple of times a year and I live on a well too. My kids think it is the funnest thing ever. I hope clean up goes fast and everyone is ok.
Having been in a tornado I know how scary they can be. I’m glad no one was hurt.
Yikes! Glad you're safe.
Omigosh -- I am glad you're ok, but keep us posted on the damages... I know what you mean about being without power. We've had some horrific storms here in Michigan (one last month) that have left us with severe damages. Makes you appreciate the little things we take for granted, like electricity, eh? good luck to you!
P.S. There's an essay in my book, on pg 119, titled "Blackout" -- about the time we were without power for several miserable days...
Glad to hear that every one is ok. It looked real bad, and how great of your neighbors to come out to check on everyone. How great that is. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
I love the 'neighbor-helping-neighbor' lifestyle depicted here. It often seems to get lost in our modern, manic lives, but finds its way to the forefront whenever adversity or disaster hits.
Dee from Tennessee
Just so sorry...thankful that everyone is okay.
So glad you are safe and sound...!!!
We lived in the country, when I was growing up in NZ, and we had a well. No power, no water.
There were tornado warnings, about a week ago, for the Falloon area. Not something that happens very often here in NV !!
Glad you're okay though. he clean up doesn't look like much fumn though!
Until it gets greenish in the sky, I love those storms.
What I love about this story is that when it was over, everyone went out to check on everyone else. That wouldn't happen in most places.
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