The time: Christmas, 1984
The place: Senior Living Facility, West Chicago, Illinois
Our church women's club accepted the request to help with a luncheon for senior citizens at a senior living facility. Someone from the church called me to ask if I would participate and I said yes, as long as I could find someone to watch my daughter. Oh no, they said, you're encouraged to bring the kids along.
Anyone with young children knows that you can never predict what their behavior might entail. I was afraid that halfway through the event she would reach the tipping point and would need a nap, My son would be at school and so I thought perhaps we could make it through the party without tears or tantrums. I didn't want to spoil the party for the seniors.

I needn't have worried because my daughter was the angel of behavior, sitting like a little lady, sipping on her drink and sharing goodies sandwiched between these two senior citizens. The man looks very stern but trust me, all the residents were THRILLED to have the children in attendance. They were so happy to interact with the kids. It was a very joyful party.
I am surprised at that emotions that surfaced as I was scanning these pictures. I miss my little toddlers terribly. They were so darn cute and this simply steals my heart away.....

P.S. I remember this little outfit so well. I still have it tucked away in a container in my closet. Moms, we're a sappy bunch.
Sappiness, isn't that an important part of being a Mum? :-)
Lovely photos and yes, I know what you mean by those emotions surfacing. I've been going through my old photos and I find myself just sitting there, holding them and getting all teary eyed. There is a little bit of me, wishing that I could turn the clock back and return to those days...
count me in for the sappy club...hey, I'm in the burbs, too where exactly is 9 miles from nowhere....my SIL lives in W. Chicago.....small world....
let's chat
A few years ago I took Dane to a Christmas lunch for homeless/elderly in Kansas City. it was such a super way to show him what Christmas the true meaning of Christmas
I thought that the instant children were conceived we became sappy.
Isn't that the reason for all the hormones?
It's always fun to visit your "Way Back Machine." I love seeing all your photos and I know what you mean about falling in love with your children all over again. Your daughter does look like an angel and I'm glad that she was such a delightful guest.
I find the older I get the more often the emotions surface whilst looking at old photographs.
Your daughter looks so angelic. It must have been quite a treat having her sit at their table.
My Mom spent 10 longs years in a nursing home...dammit. We always took the kids. Halloween they would trick or treat, Thanksgiving we would share a feast, Christmas we would sing, etc. I think it helped make them better people. Your daughter is darling, does she remember this day? And Sappy Moms, I run the fan club.
Your daughter was/is very pretty. I have a hard time going through my pictures.
Adorable! Love your Way Back Machine posts. Hope you had a good weekend.
I'm a sap extraordinaire! I was just in the basement this morning and came across my son's first christmas onsie pajama's and a little Santa Suit that he wore in his first christmas photo. I can't bear the thought of giving them away so I will put them in my cedar chest for safe keeping. I have enjoyed your blog for quite a while - I'm from N. Lake County - and sometimes wish I was 9 miles from nowhere. Take care!
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