I want to thank all my loyal readers for their concern and e-mails. I appreciate it and I'm feeling very lucky to have such loyal friends.
Years ago I subscibed to the "Superwoman" myth. You know, the woman who does it all, brings home the bacon, fries it up in the pan, does the housework, raises the kids and volunteers for everything. That failed effort bought me a month in the hospital and five years of mental health day camp. Let's just say I learned my lesson.
My bout with the flu really knocked me for a loop and on top of that we've been visited by the Perfect Storm of Stuff. I decided early on that not everything would be blog fodder, so I don't go into every aspect of our lives.
One of the reasons I've been taking a break is that the Farmer was in the hospital to deal with an ongoing chronic issue. He's fine and we've met with a dietician and other professionals and we're both learning how to better deal with his long-standing diabetes. There are new medications that seem to be doing a better job.
The hospital bill is formidable. The CT scan alone was $5K (yikes). That machine runs all day and into the night. Can you imagine? Twenty CT scans a day would be $100,000! Anyway, the Farmer is still unemployed and although we have COBRA, we're not sure how much the insurance will actually pay.
I've got my sewing machines burning up the grid, sewing aprons and wallets and more in an attempt to build up my inventory for the shop and for upcoming craft shows. My friend never believed me when I said I could make well over $1,000 at one good show. It's true and it gives me a feeling that I can actually do something to help the situation.
Jobs around here are as rare as hens teeth so I'm doing what I know and what I love. Oprah says that will lead to success. Heck, if Oprah says it's true, it must be true.
I mentioned a Perfect Storm of Stuff. That, of course, includes our responsibilities for the super seniors in our lives, an 88.75 yr. old live-in mother-in-law and an 81 yr. old mother.
I told my mom that there's good news and there's bad news.
The good news is we're living longer.
The bad news is we're living longer.
In an effort to conserve my energy and stay focused on the tasks at hand I'm going to continue my break for a short while longer. Thanks for being so loyal and understanding.
Hopefully when I'm better focused I can once again post pithy entries and regale you with stories of long ago. If you're new here, I encourage you to slog through the archives. If you're an old timer you might want to wander over to my photoblog and entertain yourself with images of the American midwest.
The Farmer's Wife Photoblog
Thanks friends. You will never know what your friendship means to me.
Sorry to hear about all the struggles, but seems like you have a good outlook on it all. And..you are working hard. I am praying for you and your man and what life is dealing now. Pray for success in what you love and that it will provide what you need! Thanks for sharing and we will wait patiently for an update. You go girl...you are an inspiration!
I have been a follower for a few months and I really miss you, I checked here first thing each morning. I will be saying prayers for you too, your plate is very full. You have to be a special woman. Remember, 'nothing lasts forever', your life will change too.
I'll keep you all in my prayers. I've been there. My Dad was a diabetic and we are caring for our mothers now after a horrible 2 year period when we lost both our Dads.
Hoping your passion for sewing brings you much success!!! I agree that opportunities are still endless when we find joy in our work and look outside our usual paths.
Becky K.
I was so worried about you. Glad you are on the mend, sorry to hear of your problems. we are dealing with copays and deductalbes from 3 medical dealings in the last few months. I cannot believe what it costs and am tired of the hospitals, clinics and others who think I am crazy for asking how much something is going to cost before we have anything done! more people need to question more.
I am praying for you and your sewing sales. take heart, this too shall pass.
I will be checking in.
I have missed you and am sorry for the trouble in your life at this time. However we know this too will pass. Looking forward to many more postings from you.
God bless your family.
Sending good thoughts your way ...
I am so glad that you posted.
So very glad.
Superman has developed diabetes in the time you have been away. It is scary.
His numbers were over 300 for quite some time. We have them down now, but he really hates the salads that I keep shoving at him...lolol
Please take care of yourself.
Hugs and prayers.
Aww, Suzanne. Some fine day I'll learn to keep my mouth shut. But thank you for indulging me with this post. You don't need the cyber people chiming in, too. I am trying not to read between the lines, but I understand what you're saying about not sharing everything. (I used to have that rule, but I am in the process of letting it go. Maybe. I think.)
The sewing machines must be smokin' and I'm glad that you are able to do so well at a good craft fair or exhibition. Every little bit helps at this point. Will be praying that something opens up for your hubby once he's back on his feet.
So many of us are feeling the pinch and praying for answers.
Gentle hugs and lots of prayers coming your way...
it is a good monday morn to find a new staff meeting posted. you keep up the good fight and we will be right here when you get back. your a wise women to know want you can do~~~times are crazy now but i pray that 'this to shall pass'. it always does. i will be checking on you to make sure you are taking care...
Hello Suzanne :) I really missed you too, so I am glad I checked in today to find a post. I am sorry to hear you and the Farmer have been having health issues. I will be sending good thoughts your way.
I have been very concerned about you and sure was glad to see your blog finding its way back into my list! You must take care of yourself! We all can wait patiently while you get back on your feet...God Bless!!
Oh, good, glad you're back. Sorry about the storm. :(
Hi Suzanne...nice to see you. I am still paying off the MRI on my shoulder taken last year...my portion was $1500.00 AFTER insurance...for that price they could have scanned my entire body.
I hope you bounce back soon...I'll keep you in my prayers.
So glad to hear from you in blogland again....can't do anything to help with your various issues and worries but if thoughts sent through the ether of positivity and hope are of any use then I send them gladly.
You should send Oprah one of your aprons. They $ay the "Oprah Effect" can have you $$$et for life ! Who knows , worth a $hot and they certainly are cute enough to be on her $how !
Take care and carry on!!
First off I'm glad you and the farmer are on the mend...slow and steady wins the race:)
Medical bills- redamndiculous.
And sewing, balm for the soul.
Hang in there, we're rooting for you!
I was so glad to see your posting today. I am sorry you and your family are going through a rough time. You don't need to feel obliged to meet the needs of your blog readers but know that we care and wonder about you when we don't hear from you.
Do what you need to do to take care of yourself and your family! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck with your sewing projects and sales!
Girl, what took you so long to ask for prayers? As much as I miss reading your posts, you just take care of business and yourself and we will see you later when things are better!
Love you Sue and will keep praying for you and your family's.. :) I miss the emails we used to exchange - seems like there just isnt the time as there was before!! Keep your chin up and your hands folded in prayer!
alrighty then. Take a break. Rejuvinate. We'll wait here. We'll save your place. Maybe just a Monday morning staff meeting every week or two. Or three?
I'll still say prayers for you and if anyone can persevere I knw you can!
I'm so sorry to hear about all your troubles. I know how hard it is to be the one who is the strong one and has to be the rock for everyone else. Keep hanging on, you sound so positive and we're all thinking of you.
... just another person sending you good wishes. Thank you for posting. You have been missed. Spring is just around the corner. Hang in there and stay positive!
Sorry to hear about all your troubles. You have a lot going on and are wise to take a break! My nearly 89 year old mother-in-law lives with us too! My Mom is newly widowed and living alone now in Florida, too far from Mass. So many challenges so little fingernails. Whenever you return I will be here.
Best wishes,
so sorry for the hardships you have
vee has been worried! and now you
have made her happy. :)
may you be blessed with joy to match
your sorrow.
Oh how I feel your pain! Been there, done that, still doing it! I love/hate that "perfect storm" analogy. Dang, doesn't that just say it all?!
Know you'll be in my prayers!
Many blessings heaped upon your head, girlfriend!
You've been missed! I can so relate to the "perfect storm" of events that wreak havoc and cause exhaustion! My storm isn't over completely, but do whatever is necessary to take care of yourself as you are able! We'll be waiting for your return.
I have been reading your blog for a short time, but already missed you when you had to take a break. I understand your need to had a break and pray that your health and your husbands improve along with your money needs right now. Remember God is in control and He will see you through this time. I pray that He will give you the strength you need at this time. I had to shiver at your Oprah reference. I am so over her that I would never take her advice on anything.
I've missed you but totally understand why you are taking a break. Your prayer squad is taking action and I will add my prayers for you all.
My hubby is disabled and we have faced/still face lots of health and financial stresses. Family and friends will help you get through it. Girl, you and your sewing machine are smokin' !!!
I was so glad to see your post. Even though you were checking out for a while, I'd check every few days to see how long a while is. I hope things look up soon, and I'm glad they are some better now. My husband had ups and downs for several years with employment issues, and I know it's just not fun! Blessings to you and yours.
Keep the sewing machine buzzing! Diabetes is a hard thing to whip, but ya gotta keep trying!
I miss you Suz! I hope and pray that all is well.
Glad you are still hangin' in there, we need more women like you. I'm thinking you should sell aprons and pies at the craft shows or at least a book about pies!! You are a pie expert and a fabulous writer.
Here it is a week since your post and I'm just visiting. I certainly hope that during this past week that things have taken a turn for the better in your world.
The stress from medical bills alone is enough to kill anyone. One or two medical tests alone is enough to drive many lower income families into losing their home. I'd move to Australia if they'd have me.
You just take as long as you need to take and we will be here waiting for you when you are able and ready to come back :)
I just have to say "Wow!" to those kinds of medical bills. Here in Canada we have no concept of that kind of worry and stress. Our system is far from perfect and can take extremely long to get things done, but it is all covered. I will stop complaining about having to pay the dentist and optometrist bills.
Wishing you & the Farmer well Suzanne. Love from across the pond. XX
Sure do miss you... checking in every day... sending good wishes your way. Happy Easter.
Sue miss reading about your life every day and the Monday Morning staff meetings. But I do understand. Take care of yourself and remember there are prayers and thoughts coming your way. Linda
Sure do miss you and the Monday Morning Staff meetings. But I do understand. Prayers and good thought being sent to you too. Linda
Good for you for meeting the challenge with the sewing machine as a weapon! Lots of problems get resolved in the creative process- or at least you forget about them for awhile. And I totally get the making cash idea. I too have been seeking a job for a long time and am hoping Oprah is right- though i often do not see her at the cash reigster at the grocery when it is time to pay! So keep on sewing, sister! We are all rooting for you..
Good morning Suzanne, it has been a coons age sine I visited you. I am sorry and hope to improve with my visiting as of now. Life has been very busy (don't all bloggers feel that way???) Smile. Lets face it, blogging can take a chunk out of your day. I guess I just needed to slow down. I have missed reading your posts. I can tell you have been through a lot these past months too. I hope things will be better for you Suzanne. I took care of my parents and my hubby's mom and I know how hard it is. A true labor of love but exhausting as well. Diabetes is the hardest illness to live with. Two of my sisters and my dh have it too. The hardest part is their denial. Sigh. I pray your dh improves with his new medication.
Well, it is a new day and I am happy as a Lark to be visiting again. When you are ready to blog again I hope you will come and see me. I AM a fan of yours. Smile.
Hugs, Jeanne
Hi Suzanne,
Still checking in with you on Monday Mornings and can't wait until you are back.
Hope you will return soon and share your wonderful reflections on everyday life. You always made me smile.
Take Care.
Hope things are going better for you and your family. I keep checking to see if you're back to blogging. You have lots of faithful followers! You touch more lives than you know! Hoping to hear from you as soon as you can!
Hi, hope all is well with you and your family. I check back occasionally, and especially on Monday mornings. Just thought I'd better let you know that I miss you and I hope your stresses are fading. *hugs*
Hi Suzanne, I've been away for a while, but your blog has been one of my favorites for a long time. Its never boring, nor do I ever find anything meanspirited (always a turn off for me). I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that your situation gets better/easier very soon. I'll be waiting for your next post.
just a quick hello...to say you are in my prayers...and thoughts...hope things are improving...miss your staff meetings..sharon
Sweet Suzanne... I am so sorry that you're going through this. It seems that we all have issues these days and mine have caused my lapse in visiting. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you.
alrighty . . . I'm still checking in. Still checking in and cheering you on. Sending positive thoughts and prayers that we'll find you on here again, soon. Take care.
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