BV and Marilyn were my winners but I forgot to mention what the prize was. They each got a set of these:

They are coasters that designed and crocheted. Barbara (BV) took the pictures and I'm thinking I need to hire her as my photo stylist and photographer.
I'm going to be listing these soon in my shop but honestly, they need a name! When I sent the note along with the coasters I called them "Happy Coasters" but that just seems lame. They need a good name, a name that resonates with their that a word? Well, they are colorful. This is just one of the color combinations but they're all pretty similar.
Put your thinking caps on. Name those coasters. Leave me a comment with your suggestion and I'll pick one on Sunday night and announce it at the Monday Morning Staff Meeting. If you're the winner of Name That Coaster Contest I'll send you a set for yourself.
Good luck everyone!

A name... that's easy! Colorful Crochet Coasters! It's just that alliterative.
How about:
Circles of Color Coasters (1)
I use to make these several years ago. Got the pattern from Annie's Attic pattern book.
We still use them for coffee and glasses of iced tea.
They are so vintagy cute! Why not
call them:
Delightfully Dainty Drink-Coasters.
This was a tough assignment. I took nearly 24 hours to make up my mind. How about "Cool Coasters"? Or if you like, I could just attach "cool" to Terri's suggestion. :D
How about Colossal Coasters! There seems to be quite a few to a set, sooo cute too!
Crafty Coasters
since i already have mine i won't enter but i relly liked Happy Coasters. simple, cheerfull and truely they made me happy...
bv who wants to be your photo, stylist girl....
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