Thursday, January 17, 2008



It's the Daily Dose! Thanks to A Haven for Vee (one of my daily doses) for nominating me.

I've been at the work of blogging for almost three years. I started to publish "At Home....." just recently as a spillover from my photoblog, The Farmer's Wife which is outdoors and focuses on the gradual disintegration of rural farms. This blog allows me to have some fun and be more colorful.

From the very beginning I've found blogging to be such an exciting concept. Got a computer and 30 minutes of time? You can be a publisher! Believe me, after years of working for publishers the thought of being in charge of my own publishing empire was BIG. But then comes the hard part, you've got to have something to say and find someone who wants to read it. That's why these awards are important. You can plug away day after day and not be sure that you're getting through or making an impact.

Very early on my photoblog won an award from Garfield Farm Museum. That was big for me simply because I greatly admire the work they're doing. To have them recognize me was unbelievable. My family reacted as best they could.

"Mom won an award? HUH?????"

"For her photography? HUH???"

Let's just not tell them about the Daily Dose because I don't think they can process that information.

And now I feel like the dad in "Christmas Story". Forgive me while I dance around the office pretending I have a telegram in my hand....."It's an award, it's a major award!" I don't think however that there's a box marked "Fragile" waiting for me at the train station. That's OK.

Since these type of tagging awards are not common on the photoblog side I'm going to guess that I get to now nominate three people, recognizing them as my Daily Dose.

MY LITTLE LIFE - I love checking in with Jerusalem every day. She's got a lovely home and is creative in so many ways. She is a very busy lady, maintaining an Etsy shop, an interior design business and a shop in North Little Rock. Her lovely photos take me away.

Speaking of taking me away......

TONGUE IN CHEEK - Oh be still my heart. I get to go to France, every day! Corey Amaro takes me there. One day we'll go to the French market. And then it's a tour of Paris for the New Year. There's romance and French antiques, a French husband and children who speak at least two languages. Seriously, Corey embodies elegance and grace. Think Audrey Hepburn.

Now the going gets tough. I read many blogs daily and it's almost impossible to choose. My really Daily Dose is probably the entire list on the lefthand column. But for my third choice I'm going to say -

BAREFOOT IN THE ORCHARD- Sabina has a good mix of subject matter. If you read the description on the right hand column of her blog you'll discover that she grew up walking barefoot in her family's apricot orchard. That orchard is gone, the land blanketed with McMansions. I can relate to that. Recently she generously shared a cute pattern for old fashioned strawberry pin cushions. Thanks Sabina.

I am continually amazed and the open and giving nature of the blogosphere. It's a concept that is pretty much missing from the corporate world and it's refreshing and fun. I invite you all to surf through my list of wonderful blogs. Those of you who I have nominated can feel free to pass the Daily Dose award on or not. That's the beauty of this experience, we can all make it what we want it to be.

Tomorrow we're going to the egg farm to buy some fresh eggs! Come along for the ride.


Vee said...

I love the image of your dancing about like Mr. Parker delighting in winning an award. I'm never quite sure about them myself and sometimes even agonize (no, that is not too strong a word) over what to do with them. LOL!

Our egg farm just closed last fall. I'm still grieving.

Unknown said...

Oh how sweet! Thank you sooo much for the award - I feel so honored - especially coming from such a lovely and stellar blooger as yourself!! It was the perfect start to my Friday! I can't wait for fresh eggs tomorrow- there is almost nothing better!