Black Crucians (St. Croix residents) are descended from slaves brought to the island from west Africa. They've retained parts of their culture including this form of dance. Amazingly they dance on very high stilts!
This is Elizabeth Armstrong introducing the dancers and explaining a bit about this tradition. Elizabeth is the hotel's general manager and part owner. The property has been in her family since the 1920's.

They kick up their heels....

and get down.....

It leaves you wondering how much practice must be involved.

They agree to frame the photo of two old folks (guess who?).

Read more about the tradition of the Mocko Jumbie.
Tomorrow we'll meet one of the island's entrepreneurs.
Oh Suzanne, I have loved traveling vicariously through you! What a wonderful vacation -- thank you so much!
BTW, how are you feeling? Better, I hope!
That looks amazing!
It appears that "the old folks" had a wonderful time and in the middle of the winter you've had, most appreciated!
Thank you sooooo much for your kind comment on my post yesterday.
What a wonderful time you must be having. As I sit here and freeze I find myself green with envy.
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