Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Planet of Women


There it was in my inbox this morning - an e-mail from my best friend. We haven't talked in about a week because she's been hard at work again. I was missing her and thinking about how lucky I am to have found such a terrific friend. I'm thankful every moment for the technology of the internet which has allowed me to make friends with women I never would have met in "real life".

We can feel safe enough in our friendships to share our doubts and get advice from others who have been down the same road. I know for a fact that my friend and I have talked ourselves off ledges and at one point walked through the valley of the shadow of death together. How could you ever do that alone?

There's a wonderful photographer named Raul Guitierrez, who travels the world and shares his images and viewpoint via a photoblog called MEXICAN PICTURES (he's the Mexican, not the photos!). Prepare to be amazed if you have some time to look through his vast body of work. What does this all have to do with the women sharing ice cream cake roll in the photo above? It has to do with our shared experiences whether we're in Yushu, Vietnam or Cuernavaca.

As women I believe we have responsibilities that extend beyond our families. This was a concept that was emphasized in my upbringing. Our lives are busy but I think it's important to take a moment to extend our hands to others. Here are a couple ways we can help other women.

Remember your prom? The dress.....the dress is very important and there are some young women whose family budgets just don't include a prom dress. A movement was formed to help provide a place to "shop" for gently used dresses. There are opportunities across the country and they are looking for that special occasion frock that's hiding in the back of your closet. Check it out at Donate My Dress. Be sure to look at the photo album and read the letters from young women who have benefitted from this effort.

You can also help Trish Ward in Honduras. Her and her family work in the poorest area in Honduras and she and other women are doing their best to help out in an orphanage which is terribly understaffed. As moms we all know the importance of holding our babies and stimulating their senses. Unfortunately babies outnumber caregivers and Trish is looking for funds to purchase mobiles for the babies cribs. $20 will purchase one mobile. Read about Trish's project.

If you have a moment also read her husband Brad's description of the people of Rio Negro. I'm telling you, I'm a pretty good judge of writing abilities and Brad is an excellent wordsmith. The description of the effects of malnutrition in this post cuts to my heart because I've seen this for myself.

This is just one of those posts where I invite you to think outside of your happy home, into the world at large...because we are all sisters at heart and I think we have a responsibility to support and love each other. It's God's message put to action.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: When searching through my book of quotes under "friendship" in the table of contents I found this:
'Nuff said.

BLOG OF THE DAY: Whatever the Day May Bring
She'll make you think and there's beautiful music.


Vee said...

So there I sat...waiting for Bloglines to tell me that you had written some lines. Obviously, I am doing something wrong because Bloglines told me zip. Can't be waiting for my Farmer's Wife fix all day!

You never disappoint, Suzanne. Never.

Tara said...

This is my first visit here, what a thoughtful place to repose! Hope you can take a hop over to my blog ...I think I'll be back here!

Nice to meet you!

Suzanne said...

Vee - Thank you. I love to be appreciated you know.

Tara - Please come back. I seriously try to behave myself so as not to scare away first time visitors.