Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tour de Corn

I'm sorry to leave you with nothing but a video today. Yesterday I mentioned that we were going to grout some of the tile we'd laid. My friend "Red Shoes" warned me that it would be WAY worse than laying the tile. She was right, a truer word was never spoken. It's HORRID.

I have developed an intimate relationship with this stinking floor over the last year, starting with scraping off all that nasty carpet glue - with a putty knife. I'm feeling quite the pioneer spirit but the grout is on my last nerve.

I was going to describe the process but I cant even stand to think about it. I sure hope the Farmer will be vertiginously happy with all the electronics that will be purchased with the money that would otherwise have paid for armies of tile installers. He's lucky I love him, that's all I'll say.

So, about the video. I know you haven't watched the corn grow in awhile, especially some people. This is a variation on the corn growing theme. I decided to drive down my favorite country road, the one that made my friend so very nervous when she was visiting from Oklahoma. It sounded like a good project, but the actual video leaves a lot to be desired.

First of all, if you are subject to motion sickness this will probably push you over the edge. Just look away and listen to the stupid commentary. Is there anyone who isn't totally freaked out by the sound of their voice? If I ever say "that's a lot of corn" on this blog again you can feel free to smack me.

So here's the corn, the road and more corn.


Mary said...

Wow, I knew it was flat out there, but I guess it never really sunk in... and, yes, that's a lot of corn!

Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

That's ALOT of corn.
Thanks for the ride : )

life in red shoes said...

Whoa Suzanne, THAT'S A LOT OF CORN!! Good luck on your " Adventure's In Grouting", and yes, that is 1 lucky Farmer....damn the housing development.

Cindy said...

Your Illinois corn looks almost as good as our Ohio corn! I totally agree - I'd much rather see corn, corn, corn, than yucky housing developments. Thanks for the tour!

Anonymous said...

Even though I work for a pestilential developer, I'd rather see the corn! Especially in the heartland.

Vee said...

Thank you for mentioning the motion sickness. I am the worst for getting that malady.

Grout...has the farmer no mercy? Isn't it time to call someone?

Linda said...

Now THAT'S A LOT OF CORN, all right! Love this post and your blog. I think I'll make your Ice Tea today too. Have a wonderful Sunday.

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Corn! I love it :)

Unknown said...

You are definitelycorrect, Suzanne. There is a lot of corn in your neck of the woods!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

It's too bad the land was sold to someone to develop a subdivision--or maybe the owner of the land is the developer. At any rate--I'm sorry to see that happen, too. North of KC, which is where I'm from, the once beautiful fields of corn or cattle are also being overtaken by houses--lots and lots of houses.

Janet said...

What I wouldn't give for some of that million year old topsoil to replace my less than fertile soil.

Someone just pointed out me me that when we eat corn we are eating grain not vegetables. Of course, I knew this on an intellectual level, but it still strikes me as odd!


Louise said...

A little queasy, but more than a little amused. You should really do a corn documentary or something. Or maybe that WAS a corn documentary.

I'd be bummed about the housing developement, too.