Unfortunately someone in the house was hit with stomach flu this past weekend and I'm up to my elbows in 7-Up and Jello.
It's been many a year since I've seen anyone take their pillow and blanket to camp out on the bathroom floor and I hope I won't see it again for a long time.
I promise to make something other than cherry Jello for tomorrow's meeting and announce the giveaway winner also.
Just grab a bit of hand sanitizer on your way out and promise you'll come back tomorrow!!
Feel free to leave your most gruesomest stomach flu story in the comments section..... OR NOT!!!
Oh no! I am so sorry that you are dealing with the "ick". I've had 2 of the kids get it a week apart. I think that Chlorox wipes, hand sanitizer and lots of hand washing is the key to NOT getting sick when you are taking care of someone that is. Of course, I came to this conclusion after me and all 4 kids were sick at the same time while my husband was out of town. I don't ever want that to happen again! Stay well!
Oh dear. Hope everyone is feeling better very soon.:)
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I hope your patient recovers soon!
My most horrific story involved food poisoning. My husband and I had gone up to Big Bear for a little getaway weekend, we stayed at his family's cabin on the lake, and that night the temperatures dropped down quite low, plus there was a windchill factor, and the cabin had no heat except for the fireplace (which was woefully inadequate). We had gone to a local fast-food place for lunch that day, and unbeknownst to us, the place was a hotbed of foul germs and lax employees... by that evening I was sicker than I've ever been in my life.... my body was doing its darnedest to rid itself of the offending matter... quite violently. I was also running a fever.
I shivered so bad from the fever amidst the lack of heat in the cabin (and this was not a cozy little cabin, it was a large place and the bathroom was several rooms away from the fireplace, it was COLD COLD COLD), that my legs finally seized up and would not move. Hours later things got so dire that my husband kindly hauled my sorry body over to the hospital and I ended up having massive quantities of meds pumped into my sorry carcass via an I.V. line.
I will not name the fast-food chain which caused this lovely event to happen in the first place, but let me just say that I will never, ever patronize one of their establishments again.
Best of luck to you, Suzanne, and your poor, sick patient! You and they have my complete empathy! I would not wish the stomach woes on my worst enemy. I hope the intestinal storm passes quickly!!
Take care of yourself!
Ugh, I hate the stomach bug! Not into sharing sickness in the house stories because once the nightmare is over I'd just as soon forget about it. But I am curious about remedies for said sickness. For instance my family, (lifelong Western Massachusetts residents)drinks Ginger Ale and eats saltines or dry toast. My friend from Michigan said her Mom always made tea with burnt toast crumbs scraped in it. Sounds awful, maybe the idea is to gross the bug out?! Anyway, wouldn't it be interesting to hear about other home remedies? Right now I am hankering for some cherry Jello and thinking it must be such a sweet treat after being sick. Liking the cherry Jello idea, may try it out next time... Let's just leave it at that. Not into tempting fate. Call me chicken, I don't mind. Looking forward to Wednesday meeting. Donna :)
hee hee...still funny in the midst of it. Oh my...well....I hope everyone gets better soon! I recall when both hubby and son were very sick with stomach flu at the same time. Back and forth between the two I went...for several days. NOT fun...for anyone including the caregiver. Be careful not to get it yourself.
Jello? Good for upset stomach? New to me.
Best of luck to the sick and to the caregiver. Not a good thing.
What I want (when I can hold something down) is sweetened hot tea and dry toast. My hubby wants milk toast (hot, buttered milk over dry toast with a little sugar) My parents believed in milk toast too but without the sugar. Jello wouldn't work at first for my iffy tummy.
No gruesome flu stories to share, only to say "it's goin' around." You are not alone.
God bless!
Okay, So right now we have the stomach flu with miserable head colds and the kids have the chicken pox too! --on top of the rest!! Is that miserable enough? I am sitting at the computer waiting for my husband to come home from work....cuz he is the only none sick one.
I got a bug about a month ago and could not get away from the bathroom for any length of time. Immodium did not faze it. I ate, then waited for the explosion to commence. Finally, I was facing a charter bus trip with 50 other adults and knew I could not have this thing on the bus, so I called my doctor and she said get on the BRAT diet immediately. Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast (dry). It was a miracle. I stayed on the diet for two days and was cured!! Went on my trip and had a great time. Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you're all better soon! No Fun!
I don't have any gruesome story but the best one was many years ago,early in our marriage, I had a terrible bout of the flu. My husband, in all new husband stupidity said "Oh, it can't be that bad"! I literally laid in bed a few nights later and laughed out loud as he was in the bathroom wretching his guts out and yelled to him that it couldn't be that bad! Maybe that's just the sadistic side of me but oh my gosh, I still laugh when I think about it. Amazingly enough, he hasn't told me "it can't be that bad" ever again! :) Live and learn!
Oh dear, not nice for the sufferer and the carers. Vomiting and 'the other' leaves the body dehydrated which not only means lacking in fluids but also lacking in salts. The medical answer is those horrible rehydrate sachets that you get from the chemist or flat lemonade to replace sugars & fluid(fizzy might stir things up too much) and salted crisps (chips) to replace the salt. Hope all recover soon.
so sorry for you! "IT" is out here on the West Coast also, but thankfully not in our house.
I am one who rarely throws up, but my husband does often enough for us. The worst time - on an airplane from the US to Germany, after eating some bad airline food.
A long time ago, I had that exact flu, laying on a cold basement bathroom floor and hoping someone would shoot me, so I would be out of my misery. Called out sick to work, and was called back by my supervisor, not today. It was February, news just came on and said the temp was 19 degrees, and I was driving into work with the windows open, water pouring off of me, and was caught in radar, going a little bit too quick up the road. Came time for court, and told the judge just how sick I was that day and unable to think clearly, and that I did try to stay home. No points, no ticket, court costs refunded.
Hello! I don't know if you remember me or not, but I met you at the blogging weekend thingy. I was with Cindy of Cottage Instincts. I'm FINALLY getting around to visiting blogs....
Your blog is really great. I hope everyone will be feeling better soon...hope it's just a 24 hour bug.
Love your blog! Only RSV and ear infections in our house...thank goodness not the flu...fingers crossed!
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