Yes, I was refreshed. I had just attended the Bloggy Girls Get Together and it was fabulous.
Grab your coat because it's 27 degrees here in Ilinois. Come along with me and you too will feel refreshed. Thanks to the magic of digital photography and the internet, you can attend the party too.
I had spoken with blogger Joy a couple of weeks ago and she extended the invitiation. A bunch of tri-state (Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin) bloggers have developed friendships over the web and were going to meet for the first time.
Here's a warm welcome from the organizers, Amy and Jennifer.

Amy graciously opened her home to a dozen or more strangers! Well, you know the old saying, strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.
You can't miss Jen's smile, it lights up a room. And she's decked out in really cute stuff, a beautiful scarf and some steampunk jewelry.

Amy's home is warm and inviting. She's hereby put on notice that I'm going to steal every one of her wonderful ideas. Her foyer is amazing. Seriously, none of these women are going to enter my home, you know, the place with the master bathroom ghetto spa.
Here's a vignette on the hall table.

The glass jar terrarium is so interesting.

Some of the ladies have already arrived and I'm anxious to meet them.

I never been a person who was nervous about meeting new people or walking into a room of strangers. It's something I'm thankful for because i have a friend who is terrified to do this. Usually I just grab her by the collar and we go plunging into the unknown - soon to be known.
Right away I'm in trouble. Here's Tracey, Traci and Amy deep in conversation. What am I doing? I'm already stalking handbags.

No, no, people! I'm not stalking the contents, I'm stalking the handbags themselves. You know my passion for purses. Tracey has a cool yellow bag.
But wait. OH NO.... here's Traci and Jayme. I'm going into overload.

Look at Traci's handbag.

She must think I've lost my mind because I'm inching closer to get a better look. I'm mentally deconstructing the bag to figure out how the designer twisted, folded and stitched the strips of leather to get that look. Sad, I know, but those of you who sew and love handbags will understand.
Turn to your left. Do you see what I see?

Food. The motherlode of delicious food. There are cheeses, fruit and nuts arranged on a cutting board, mini quiches, salmon and more. Amy's presentation is beautiful.
Someone just told me we need to go into the dining room.

More food. Beautiful desserts arranged on a bed of pristine white crumpled fabric.

Genius. I gotta wonder why I've been ironing cloths to cover the buffet.
But we're here to meet people, bloggers to be exact. Two of the women drove from Indiana to attend.

Jayme and Vicki, the travelers.
Joy holds court with Judy.

Let's start mingling. Here's hostess Amy talking to Janet.

And Traci with Janet.

Here's the beautiful Traci Thorson. She a photographer.

I know!!! Two Traci's and a Tracey.
The Hoosier's amuse themselves making a video.

Jayme and Vicki, videographers.
There another vignette in the dining room. I absolutely stealing this idea. Sorry Amy.

Apothcary jar and white buttons.
Joy sitting in the family room amongst the lovely white tulips.

Look closer at the picture. Behind Joy you will see Amy's beautiful cabinets which they had painted Cottage White. Joy had encouraged me to do the same with my boring oak cabinets. Now I'm totally inspired.
There's a big, big, BIG surprise. Two, count 'em TWO lurkers decloaked themselves to attend the get together!!! I'm in awe. I love my lurkers. I know they're there, i can see them visitng on my Sitemeter account. I've often wondered about who they might be.
Meet lurker number one - Pat. She's beautiful and interesting and funny! Hi Pat. Sorry, I've blown your cover now.

OK, you can go back into lurking mode now.
Lurker number two is Penny. Unfortunately Penny was moving to the right when I shot this. Actually I think she was re-engaging her lurking cloak.

Joan Babb, Penny and Amy.
What can I say about Penny? Acutally, I have lots to say about Penny but that can wait until tomorrow. You'll see why on the morrow.
Back to the decorating.... another vignette. This is in the living room.

Joy and I play dueling cameras.

We brought items to be raffled off and what fun to go home with something wonderful.
There were fairy princess wands, all sparkly and magic.

And funny and TRUE posters.

Wire baskets filled with fabulous stuff from Pottery Barn.

Judy, the lucky winner of Pat's gift basket.
Did I mention that Pat works at Pottery Barn AND she's my new BFF?
You'll have to wait until tomorrow to experience the next and BEST part of the gathering. I'll call it the Convocation of Talent, the Gathering of the Nurturers, the Well of the Soul Lifters.
All I know is that it was awesome and I want you to partake of the energy and joy.
Until tomorrow here's a list of some of the participants and their blogs. I apologize for the fact that I was a TERRIBLE journalist on this day. I didn't have a pad of paper or a pen, or the mind to organize myself to record all the people who participated. But rest assured that I will get with Amy and Jen and update this list as I get the information.
Cindy - Cottage Instincts
Jayme - Tales from the Coop Keeper
Traci - Traci Thorson Photography
Jen - Sanctuary Arts
Ann Marie - Na-Da Farm Life with Ann Marie
Joan - Anything Goes Here
Annie - Drawing a Blank
Joy - Savvy City Farmer
Tracey - French Larkspur
Amy - The Maisy Report
Rebecca -
Sorry I'm posting this so late, I slept in.

It appears that you had great fun. (I would be like the friend you said needed grabbing by the neck...ha!) The hostess really did an amazing job! Her home looks so cozy and inviting. Nope. She wouldn't be able to come to my house either. Now I do wonder what you talked about besides purses and decorating. Did you get into the nitty-gritty of blogging and all that stuff?
What fun times. Wishing I had been there too. I do believe all of you sweet ladies need to plan a Warm trip to Florida and come visit me!
Hi Suzanne...Oh, what a fun time. It sounds like you gals had an awesome time. Thank you so much for sharing your day with us by sharing pictures.
Oh and what fun to see some of my blog land friends that I visit daily. Thank you also for introducing me to some new places to visit.
Oh, before I forget..stop by Bella Della's Farm (my daughter) for an awesome giveaway.
One day soon I hope to have my own Blog. Can't wait!!!!!!!!
Sending Virginia Friendship Your Way...Janice. looks like such a wonderful gathering.
How fun, and you got decorating tips aaaand some purse stalking in all at the same time.
I love this idea, smaller meet and greets, closer to home!
So, how do I go about setting up one of these soiree's?
And I'll take up a collection, you MUST be there.
Oh, Suzanne, what have you done? I have just introduced me to a group of very talented women, who also blog, and now I will need more time on the Internet getting through all their blogs. This does not sound productive, but it sounds like so much fun. I wish I could have been there. What a wonderful idea!!! Strangers, but not really. I love it!!!
how FUN!!!!! I have my pearl buttons in a tin in my sewing room and I am getting them out as soon as I can get to Hobby Lobby to buy myself an apothecary jar!! brilliant! and the scrunched tablecloth! Excellent!1!!!!
wonderful photographs! I am so sad that I missed this get-together. Fingers crossed for next time.
Stopping by from Cottage Instincts. Looks like you had a great party. I hope to meet local bloggers one day also. I'm confused a bit though, isn't Vicki in you photos Cindy from Cottage Instincts? Maybe I'm mixed up. Off to check out more of your blog. Thanks for sharing.
It was so wonderful to meet you as looking at all your pictures I just keep thinking of how much fun it was to chat and giggle. A bunch of fun women and great conversation.
Looking forward to keeping in touch with you.
Bloggy get togethers are sooo much fun. Love Jayme the Coop Keeper.. She's such a fun chick.
I wonder how many of the gals bought a new purse just for the blogging get together... Did you find out where they purchased them? I'm a purse a holic too so would love to know.
The Blue Ridge Gal
I am so glad to have met you! Love your pictures, though ACK! I should have touched up my roots and plucked my brows!!!!!
Iknow exactly what you mean about mentally deconstructing purses to figure out how to make them. I love all the wonderful photos and I realyy really really need to know where the blogs and coffee poster came from.
I'm not kidding.
Such a wonderful recap Suzanne. Helps me to relive the day again. you captured some of amy's beautiful decorating. great job. i will definately be coming back to look when i am trying to recreate them. she has a beautiful style.
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Hello new BFF,
I think it took me 2 days to recover from the happiness overload that I experienced on Saturday. It was truly amazing wasn't it. I knew from reading your blog that I would love you to pieces and I was not wrong. Oh how I wish i lived down the road and could have late night martinis with you! Take care BFF.......
PS. you are are thin ice with the BFF when I saw the pic you posted of me. Thats okay you didn't have much to work with, sighhhhhhhhhhhhh
I'm jealous these blog get togethers look like so much fun and such a beautiful home to have a party in!
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