First and foremost, the food. This morning's meeting is being catered by Amy from The Maisy Report. She and Jen organized and hosted the Chicagoland Bloggy Girl get together on Saturday. OMIGOSH....the food, the camaraderie, the joy. Come back tomorrow and join in on the fun.

Amy agreed to share some of the goodies with us this morning. Mini red velvet cupcakes, berry tart, lemon tart, brownies and my personal favorite, Cannoli.
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Here's my comment spam of the week:
"Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignment. Gratefulness you seeking your information."
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I want to introduce you to new blogger Elora. She's 65 years old and has been blogging one month. She claims that I helped her get started. Could it be a case of one old dog teaching another old dog new tricks? WOO HOO, I say. I'm not believing her age however, look at her avatar picture for pete's sake!
She lives with her husband on a farm deep in the Appalacians. Gosh, you should see the views.
For those of you who don't blog, why not? Get started. We all have something to say. Just jump into the deep end of the pool. The rest of us will help you swim.
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I'm feeling very sad because at least five, count 'em, FIVE pink sewing machines have slipped through my hands in the last month and a half. I've been eyeing a Pink Atlas for awhile and I decided just to bite the bullet and get myself one.
I'll be honest with you, I'm not a high maintenance person. There are no manicures, spa treatments, jewelry or clothing shopping trips (although I do have a weakness for handbags - more about that tomorrow). My wants are pretty simple. I love fabric and yarn. Both those items are actually put in to production in my sewing room so they're not exactly personal.
A pink sewing machine is not exactly a luxury item but it sure makes me happy to look at it.

I can just imagine myself walking into the sewing room every morning and breaking out in a big smile when I see Beverly the Turquoise Dream parked next to the Pink Atlas (to be named AFTER acquisition).
There was one available last fall from the dealer who sold me Beverly but my budget could not support the $175 price tag. The machine on the Atlanta Craigslist was very affordable but the guy never got back to me. The one in Lake City, Florida was being sold by someone who didn't have a PayPal OR checking account. Hmmmm.
Last week, not one, but two came available on Ebay. I watched them closely. The auctions were both ending within a hour of each other. The price was getting up there a bit. The first auction actually closed while we were eating dinner last night. DRAT, I messed up that opportunity. I made it back to the computer in time to place a bid of $155 for the second during the last 5 minutes, making me the high bidder. It was at the top of my budget, but I was feeling the Pink Love.
Imagine my shock when I lost the machine in the final minute with a crazy bidding war that took it to the stratosphere - - $342!!!
There's a machine out there with my name on it. Well, if my name is "Atlas".
I'm nothing if not patient. So, stay tuned in the hunt for the pink machine.
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Did you read about the multi-millionaire who's giving all his fortune and possessions away?
Millionaire gives away his fortune.
Makes you think about what's enough in this life, or what's important. I say bravo to him for choosing to put the money into micro-loans for people in third-world countries.
I've read plenty of real life adventures written by people who nearly died in pursuit of the meaning of life. I will say that getting ill, nearly losing your life or losing a loved one will instantly put everything into perspective. But can't we come to some conclusions without such dramatic experiences?
It begins with knowing ourselves and not trying to live out our lives based on other people's expectations. What makes you happy? What makes you fulfilled? Things? Sometimes yes and sometimes no.
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It's time to announce the winners of the Valentine's Giveaway. I was able to draw three names from my list of commenters. Thanks everyone for your input.

Here are the winners:

Tea Loving Lady
and Dodie
Congratulations! Please e-mail me so that I can send you further information.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Mine was wonderful but my thoughts and prayers were with the families of the students who were killed and injured in the Valentine's Day shooting at nearby Northern Illinois University two years ago.
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Be sure to come back tomorrow when I'll take you along to Amy's house for the Bloggy get together.
Now is the part where I turn the meeting over to you. What's new? What would you love to discuss?

5 pink sewing machines gone?
That is a sad, sad, thing.
The food looks fabulous, and I can not wait to hear about your party.
Suzanne, some interesting topics for the morning meeting. And Amy has out-done herself with those delicious goodies. Oh, how I would love one of those mini-red velvet cupcakes... well to be honest a dozen would do better.
Congratulations to your giveaway winners!
I suggest we all go over to Elora's and enjoy the views...
What a beautiful setting! I'll bet you had a blast!
Got nothing to discuss of my own. I'm ready to give away my fortune —a buck ninety-five. Ha!
Sorry about the slipping away of so many pink sewing machines. Personally, I think that Beverly is glad and may have had something to do with it. Who wants a new gal on one's turf?
Can't wait to hear about the party. Everything on that buffet looks yummy, but I'm more interested in the camaraderie part.
Have a great day!
Your link to Elora doesn't seem to be working... Will try a Google search.
I couldn't get the link to work either. Congrats to the winners! blessings, marlene
Cannoli? YUM! Perfect with my tea this morning! (I heart your Mondary morning staff meetings.) Nothing earth-shattering to discuss here. No time for quilting pursuits over the weekend as I was busy as a "rent-a-granny" again. My fortune is my fabric / yarn stash, but I'm not giving it away any time soon!
Looking forward to spring ... getting tired of wearing winter boots every day ... anyone else???
Better luck on your pink sewing machine hunt. Cheers.
I saw a pink Atlas at a local antique mall in Murfreesboro, TN a couple of weeks ago priced at $50. Not sure of the condition but looked liked it needed a good clean-up. Those suckers weigh about 50 pounds so I didn't spend too much time trying to inspect it. I can send you their contact info if you're interested.
Hi Suzanne: sorry you missed out on the pink machines. I can't believe the last one got so expensive in the last minute, wow! I'm sure yours is out there, just wait and it will come.
I can fully understand that millionaire giving away his money. From what I hear, a lot women in poor countries (especially in the Middle East) get these micro loans that would probably mean nothing to most of the world, and with that they open up businesses in their little towns. Most of them pay off their loans within a year's time and they become successful business owners. I saw a documentary about it some time back. I think that it is a fabulous idea.
I think that having money is fabulous, don't get me wrong. I'm quite the little But after a while you gotta think..the more "stuff" that we have the less free that we are. It must be wonderful to use your money to make other people's lives better.
Yesterday my boyfriend asked me what did I want from JC Penny for Valentines and I could hardly believe the word that came out of my mouth: Nothing! To which he responded that I was hard to shop for. Here he was,offering me an entire store and I wanted nothing. But its true! Honestly, how many purses, pieces of jewelry, perfumes, clothes can you have until you don't even enjoy it anymore? Of course, when he mentioned Michael's today I went crazy, but that's the crafty side of me. But even my own crafts, I take little to no joy in keeping what I make. I prefer to enjoy it while I'm making it and then give it to someone else once its done.
The only books that I keep are educational because I know that I will be going back to them over and over again. But I hate having books just sitting on a shelf after I've read them. Someone else should be able to read them. I belong to a local online group called Miami ReUse it. When you don't need/want something anymore you offer it to the group and whever wants it can have it, free of charge. I think that's the REAL way to...spread the wealth.
Well, I'm off. Good meeting this morning, thanks for the yummy food ;-)
Oh, Suzanne! I just came up for air (finished the post for today)..I am humbly overwhelmed! Thank you so much for the "hand up!" And all here who responded, too! Thank you sooo much! One more time, here's the link:
(only using Suzanne's URL this one time in response to questions about access here..thank you, Suzanne.) And once again, you are such the pro! How beautifully you present the world to all of us! I continue to be in awe of your abilities.
Thank you again, Suzanne, and everyone!
yes, i have ALOT to say..but i live in a hole-just dail up for me-and if i hear that from one more provider i will scream myself into cardic arrest. so no blog for glad that you got some time with new buds this week end. funny how things all work out... gotta get a pink sewing colors
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