I was here. You were here. We were all here waiting to have a meeting but Blogger locked the door on us and I wasn't about to hold a meeting in the hallway.
Was it just me? Say it wasn't just me. I couldn't get into Blogger to save my life. I couldn't even get in to read all my favorite friends. I could see you all in Bloglines but when I "clicked"....nothing, nada. I thought perhaps it was the computer but when I tried to connect on the computer in the Farmer's office, I also came up empty handed. Late in the afternoon Blogger seemed to get it's act together but it was too late to hold a morning meeting. And so, here we are!
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What have you been up to this last week? Things continue at a crazy pace around here. Neighbor Bill is painting our house. That's a story in itself.
We asked him to do some small handyman jobs around here, one of which was to take the shutters down so that I could paint them. The paint had faded and gotten a chalky finish and needed some sprucing up. We really didn't realize how sad the house was looking until those shutters were removed.
The house looked downright forlorn. A faded sandstone colored House on Haunted Hill.
Bill mentioned that the house really needed to be painted and we knew he was right. But didn't we just have the house painted a couple of years ago? When I looked up the information we were shocked to learn that it had been 9 years.
Think about wearing a nine year old frock to a party. Sad. And even though we're all still unemployed in this household, Bill made us an offer we couldn't refuse. The Farmer's dreams of spending the tax return check on a huge-screen-TV had vanished in a puff of smoke..... or a paint can.
Unlike the last guys who painted our house with what seemed like watered down tempera paint, we're using real, thick paint, each molecule applied with a brush. Just to make sure we're not doing this again any time soon....two coats! Woo Hoo.
We were tired of the green shutters so I'm painting them black. It all looks very crisp and clean with cool new porch lights. I'll point pictures when it's all done.
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Last Saturday I drove out to White Pines State Park in Oregon, Illinois to meet up with some fellow bloggers. If you have not attended or organized a blogging get together, I highly recommend it. I've been to many of these, the first being a photoblogger get together about 5 years ago.
It was such a beautiful day and a lovely drive west towards the Mississippi.
White Pines lies about halfway to the Old Muddy.
Isn't this a lovely scene? Can you imagine yourself sitting back in this chair and listening to the wind in the tall pines? The smell of the pine needles was heavenly.
We met for breakfast and Lori (the organizer) was already there when I arrived.
Left to right: Michelle, Lori, Debbie and Angela.
Shelly and Joyce.
Those lovely potted plants were gifts from Lori.
Lori asked us to create nametags for ourselves to wear to the event. Omigosh, these are some talented and creative ladies. I was crazy for Joyce's nametag, an altered tag with a piece of patchwork made with teeny tiny piece of fabric.
She claims it was easy, using the paper piecing method. OK, now I'm off to look for a class in how to do this. I can sew, but have never yet been a quilter.
I invite you to do a little blog hopping and check out their blogs.
Michelle - Life on Vine
Lori - Mountain Woman at Heart
Debbie - Of His Pasture
Angela - The Unexpected Return Home
Shelly - Surviving Munchinland
Joyce - JM Quilts
And here's Nancy's website. She couldn't make it at the last minute but was with us in spirit.
Nancy - NMB Photography
Thanks ladies for an enjoyable morning of sharing and lively conversation. I need to get out more often.
After our breakfast I had an unexpected adventure in the park. Stay tuned for the crazy story. I've decided to sweep away obligations and make some time for blogging this week.
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Remember last week when I said I had something pink coming? Yes, it's the pink sewing machine that I've been pining for. Thanks to all of my wonderful readers who have given me leads.
Very well packaged.
Pink handle on the case.
Pink Atlas. Actually a salmon pink color. Ways a ton. I'm not kidding. It tips the scale at almost 50 lbs.
The catch? It does not sew!!
Advertised as "working machine". When someone says that a sewing machine "works", doesn't that mean that it should actually sew??? This person felt that if he plugged it in and the wheel went round-and-round that it would be categorized as working. The needle MUST go up and down!!!!
So, bottom line, I'm packing it up and sending it back and with a refund to my account.
I've made many, many, MANY purchase through Ebay and this is the first problem I've ever had. The pink sewing machine situation is getting me totally frustrated.
My friend Linda found me one at a pawn shop in Oklahoma City. They assured her that they regularly shipped things nationwide but when I called they refused to sell the machine to me. The guy explained that the shipping charges would be a little more than what they were asking for the machine. I said, "I'm willing to pay it."
He stalled, stammered and all around acted strange. Bottom line, he refused to sell me the machine. When I talked to Linda, we both wondered aloud what they were up to. I thought that they figured they must have some hot property on their hands if someone was willing to ship it to Illinois. Sure enough, the machine showed up on Ebay in the last couple of weeks, listed at twice the original price they'd placed on the machine. Guess what? They haven't gotten a single bid in over two weeks!!! Joke is on them. I'm not bidding on it. I'm over my pink sewing machine envy for good.
I did mention something lavender and black. Yes...two machines. A lavender 1950's Fleetwood for $10 from Goodwill and a black Singer Featherweight from Craigslist. So now I don't even need a pink machine. So there!!
Pictures of the new machines to follow and a contest to name the beauties.
I'm also redecorating the sewing room to make a proper "stable" for the steeds.
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Also, some time this week a most unusual recipe. Really, really different. Stay tuned.
OK, my arm is killing me from wielding the paintbrush all day long.
I'm turning the meeting over to you, and NO, I didn't cook today. Sorry!
Is this what it's like to be a crack addict? Hooray! Another hit of Suzanne.
I can't wait to hear about your adventure in the park!
Hey there.
That is all.
So glad to see you.
Can't wait for pictures.
The end.
Your staff meetings brighten my day. We are in process of painting our house - glad you are having yours done. We, on the other hand, have NOT had an offer we can't refuse ;) Enjoy the new machines.
Oh my word, I've never seen a more terrible picture of myself! LOL! I look like I'm about to throw up my breakfast burrito! Oh well....
~Miss A
how fun to actually eyeball fellow bloggers.
your house will be lovely, and i look forward
to photos.
Suzanne, it's quite possible that the belt is too loose, or it just needs a good oiling. I can't believe there is much else wrong with it. I have worked on, cleaned up and tuned up many machines that refused to move at all, and 'sang' when I was finished. If you haven't sent it back yet, I'd be willing to 'walk you through it' to get it singing!
It was great meeting you on Saturday. I love pink too!
be blessed,
Oh yea, I don't like my picture either....but I never do. Glad you could see past that! LOL!
I was going to say "Yay!" for the pink sewing machine, but then I kept reading, so "Boo!" Yay to the other colours, though. Maybe you can make a pink cover for one of them, or find some pretty pink flower decals to decorate one of them. Then you can have a pink machine that works and makes you smile. :)
Not getting in,- I had a few problems, but Just thought it was me.
I am glad I read that here.
jo, at sunnyside.
Looks like you all had a good time.
It's Tuesday..I'm late...but enjoyed it so! Look forward to pix of your new girls!
Hope you'll post the pics of the paint job! Are you still moving to Arkansas someday?
We're discussing having a little blogging convention here in AR--sounds like fun!
Seeing the Atlas brought back a memory to me. My Mom had the same machine. I haven't a clue what happened to it. She sewed my and my sisters complete wardrobe on this machine, completed quilt tops, table cloths, you name it. I so remember when she bought it, how could I forget, the stupid man that demo'd it to her, showing what a toughy it was, took the lid to the pink metal box that held the sewing aids and preceded to stitch right through that metal top, leaving lots of sharp teeth like protrusions. Oh well....thanks for the memory.
Would you believe I have than pink atlas only its in a blond wooden stand. My grandmother got it new and eventually gave it to my mom who gave it to me. It still works!
Shutters are a bugger to paint and you're doing them? Not all alone I hope. Sorry to read about the sewing machine debacle and am glad that you've found a couple that work well.
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