I want to thank everyone for their comments and e-mails wondering about the status of the midwest. It's still VERY cold and as for myself, I'm getting very impatient for spring to arrive. The robins are confused and my crocuses are popsicles.
Here's a bad video of the snow we had last weekend.
To brighten up our morning I have something that was sent by my follower and pen pal in Germany - Silke!

It's a Heidel chocolate bar! I'll say one thing, the Europeans know how to do chocolate. I took a small bite and this chocolate is very smooth and creamy. There's enough to go around for all of us to share because I'm invoking the "loaves and fishes" effect.
The packaging is beautiful. It's printed with dots of gold ink. Very lovely. But look in the rabbit's knapsack! Just what I need this morning, pussy willows and tulips.

Yesterday my friend Vee had a photo of tulips on her blog. It inspired me to seek out some fresh flowers on my trip to the grocery store. Unfortunately, they were ridiculously priced. I had to take a pass and be satisfied with some cyber flowers.
Vee also asked me if things were looking up in the midwest. The answer is NO. Penny, I would love to have a more positive attitude but I think because my house is still in such an uproar it affects my mood. It was 34 degrees yesterday, with a wind chill of about 21 degrees. Today is not much better, it's only 35.
On to happier things.
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I met a wonderful and talented woman at the recent Midwest Bloggers Get Together. Her name is Elizabeth Berg. During our round table discussion session it became apparent that Elizabeth was wanting to start a blog. Everyone encouraged her and now she's the newest addition to the blogging community. Her blog is called Fabby Chic and she creates all kinds of wonderful things.
Be sure to scroll down and read the article about the shop she owned in Chicago. WOW is all I can say. You can expect wonderful things from Elizabeth.
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Here's another cool blog I found whilst poking around the internet during the snowstorm. It's a cooking/baking blog called Ezra Pound Cake. Isn't that the coolest blog name ever?
My mouth waters just looking at her pictures. How can these people not weigh 300 lbs?
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My blogging is broken. I am so remiss in showing you some wonderful things. I have pictures from the blog get together and lots of photos and ideas from my nieces baby shower.
I'll be sharing those soon.
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The Farmer and I are going through all our books before we put our library back together. In the process I rediscovered a fun book that I found at Goodwill. It's entitled, The Official Rules and Explanations, a compilation of laws, conclusions, theorems and principles.
Here are a few, the first one relates to me big time.
Bernstein's Law of Declining Progress -
One begins to lost interest in any given task and slacks off just as one is beginning to get somewhere in accomplishing that task.
Emergency Rule
In case of atomic attack, the federal ruling concerning prayer in this biulding will be temporarily suspended. (Handwritten sign found posted in a federal office building in Washington, D.C.)
Gandhi's Observation
There is more to life than increasing it's speed.
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Have a great day everyone. Let me know what you are up to and what the weather is in your corner of the world.
Guess what? I'm feeling better already. Getting together with you for this meeting has raised my energy levels and my mood. I'm off to put this house back together and spend time in my sewing room.
Remember my mantra, do something creative every day!

You hold very interesting meetings, Suzanne. I do hope you actually get to enjoy Spring soon. Things are greening up around here but the temperatures are still attached to a yo-yo. Hot today...cold tomorrow.
Hi Suzanne,
Yes, wishing spring were here too in Belvidere. The winds and cold have been enough to make you want to hibernate!
Say, real quick, would you be willing to share some information about the Midwest Bloggers Get Together you mentioned. Maybe even a blog about blogger events. I search for them, but have yet to find any.
Thanks so very much!
Let's keep our fingers crossed for warmer weather!
I see the snow AND I see the green grass! That's a positive...it's very brown here yet. I'm worried that your cold weather will be tracking East. Ugh.
Ezra Pound Cake ... a great before and after for Wheel of Fortune...yes, we lead exciting lives up here.
You visited and said nothing? Hrmmmpffft. You know I'd have served you some leftover peanut butter cookies and a cup of Tim Horton's coffee.
Don't worry, my friend. Things must improve. Think how happy we'll be to see 60F!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I truely believe that it isn't much nicer anywhere else. I live in CA and today is overcast and about to rain again (that's our winter here) so no spring day. We have been tracking a full 17 degrees below our normal for this time of year. But there are flowers! Come see my last 2 posts to see some.
Can't wait to go visit the sites you mentioned. Thanks for sharing!
Here is Michigan it is gloomy, sun trying hard to come out, cold and last night big strong wind, rain, hail, thunder and lightening.
I am waiting spring. My garden is calling me while my house says hang in there lots to do in here.
We are preparing to paint. We is not the correct word....husband is preparing to paint. We are painting family room and our bedroom in preparation of carpet coming. While he patched and sanded, I made rolls for Easter dinner and cookies.
And that is my report my Michigan. Harriet
Hi Suzanne, Just wanted to say that the shower looked beautiful and your cookie favors were so cute. I love the aluminum trays and baskets too. Such a nice way to decorate with vintage. Happy Easter to you and yours. Love,Penny
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