This morning I've got some delicious cupcakes to share.

And a Reese's peanut butter egg. We're going to call upong the loaves-and-fishes effect so there will be plenty for everyone.
How was your weekend? Did you eat lots of food and visit with family and friends?
We went to my sister's home for a wonderful meal. Everyone brought something which meant it was like the best potluck dinner ever! Speaking of which, did you know that certain local health departments (not naming names here) have made potlucks illegal? Church potlucks are now illegal, unless you do not advertise it in any way, including the church bulletin. Guess these things have got to be word of mouth now. All us church potluck people are going underground!!
Here's what we ate - ham, hash brown casserole, sweet potato casserole, Polish sausage and sauerkraut, vegetable casserole, corn casserole, deviled eggs, oatmeal pie (poor man's pecan pie), cheesecake, cupcakes, Snickerdoodles, carrot cake, homemade vanilla ice cream, homemade grape sherbet ........ did I mention ham??
You can easily see why I was a little under the weather yesterday.
What was your favorite part of Easter dinner?
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I'd like to introduce you to Ryo Chijiiwa. I've been reading his blog "Laptop and a Rifle" for some time. Here's how he describes himself:
"I'm a biologically Japanese, culturally American, Germany-raised, socially liberal, politically independent, gun-totin', code writin' dude who likes to chill on his 60 acres of vacant land."
I found his blog via the Tiny House blog. Ryo quit his job as a programmer and used his savings to buy 60 acres of land in northern California. He launched on a Walden-type project, building a tiny cabin and living alone in nature.
After the Japanese earthquake and tsunami he volunteered his services to an organization called All Hands Volunteers. He's currently in Japan, using his carpentry and Japanese language skills to help the people recover from the disaster.
Today's post contains questions and answers about his service in Japan. It's very interesting to read about the efforts on the ground.
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Thanks for visiting with me this morning. It's kind of a short meeting but I've got tons of things to do around this house today and I better get busy!

Well, our church would not do well with that kind of an edict regarding pot lucks. After all, we have a sign-up sheet....shhhhh....don't tell.
I'm off to check out your link.
Those are some cute cupcakes!
I really think the North American health departments spend far too much time worrying about the craziest things. I say, keep rules to a very basic minimum and let people use common sense. I think too many North Americans live far too "sterilized" a life already.
Well, I better put the word out about the potlucks. Our church has one 3 out of 4 weeks a month. Guess we don't really advertise it anymore, since it's a regular thing. Glad you had deviled eggs ~ can't do Easter without those. Have a wonderful week!
My husband will eat 1/2 dozen deviled eggs before I can get them to the table.
Yours at the Menger,
A fun meeting to
perk up my mid-
morning! All I
have to say is that
the day that pot-lucks
are outlawed in this
country would be a
very sad one, indeed.
What could be more
American? Glad you
are feeling better.
Believe me, I feel
your {over-indulged}
xx Suzanne
We looked high and low for jelly beans like yours. Couldn't find'em. Just the Jelly Belly™ variety. Illegal? Potlucks? What next?
Following your link next.
Your Easter meal sounds wonderful. You've got my stomach growling!
It sounds like a very fun gathering!
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