These tasty morsels were at the event I attended on Friday night. Tomorrow and Wednesday you'll be coming along with me as I recap the gathering.
Don't forget to enter my contest. There are two questions.
1. Can you determine where I'm headed by looking at my earrings?
Here's another hint for you - think Boho.
2. Has the Farmer's Wife given herself a Photoshop facelift?
Be sure to join me tomorrow for the answer to those questions and some pictures of a wonderful event.
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Lots of bloggers have just returned from the spring Quilt Market. This great event is not actually open to the public, it's a trade show for show owners and others. Thankfully we are able to attend through the magic of digital cameras and the internet.
One of my favorite booths was Joanne Figueroa's "Fresh Figs". I'm in love with her esthetic and color palette.

Source: Joanne Figueroa's Fresh Figs
Look at those postage stamp wall hangings! I'm crazy for them.
You can view more photos from her booth here:
..... and here:
If you check out her sidebar you'll see a link to some free patterns. Yay for designers who offer free patterns! Of course you know the Shabby Fig Apron is my favorite.
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I've just stumbled across a blog that you might be interested in. It's called Mr. Goodwill Hunting. Since Goodwill and Salvation Army are two of my favorite places to find treasures for repurposing, his blog has been added to my Google reader list.
Mr. Goodwill Hunting is actually Rashon Carrawaya and in addition to writing the blog, he appears on the Nate Berkus show, something I've never watched. I'll have to check out whether we get the channel it's on.

Source: Mr. Goodwill Hunting
That's a cool vintage bar cart that he found for a client.
In addition to shopping in person at Goodwill, I also troll their website. Did you know that Goodwill has an online presense and ships?
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Do you have a sewing machine? Extra fabric? There's another pillowcase project. Read about it here:
No one has to ask me twice to fire up my sewing machine.
An outpouring of love and support......
One of the commenters mentioned something called Little Dresses for Africa which sent me searching for more information about that effort.
These little dresses are made from pillowcases and heaven knows I've got lots of them in my fabric stash.
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And finally, it's wedding season and a young woman who writes one of the blogs I follow is being pressed into the stress factory that wedding planning can easily become. My advice to her was to follow her heart and not the crowd. Keep it simple, do what you can afford, make it your day - those were my suggestions to her.
I came across this beautiful image.

Source: Gia Canali Photography
The bride made her own gown using doilies and lined the garment with green fabric. I love it, but then again I love doilies!!
Here's link to the story of Jillian and Dax's wedding:
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And finally, thanks to all my wonderful online friends who somehow, without my having said a word, knew that I was struggling with the isolation that comes with living/attempting to care for an elderly person. In the last few weeks I've won books and handmade items, gotten a postcard from my friend in Germany, a magazine subscription from my buddy in Texas and e-mail's galore. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. It's so important to know that we're not alone in our challenges.
Be sure to come back tomorrow for the answer to the mystery, Where in the World is

Good to know about Goodwill online. I, too, am a junkie!
I wanted to tell ya....I am not getting your pictures any more. It seems a bout a nonth ago, the pictures stop showing. Say photobucket. on them. I am still reading just not seeing the photos. No idea where your going.......
You are definitely an enabler! As soon as I saw the postage stamp Robin quilt piece I had to buy the pattern for my best friend Robin. I'm not a quilter :) but I can sew so hopefully I can figure it out. She has a lovely color palette and her designs are very nice - thanks for the posting!
What's in those candies? I like Mr. Goodwill Hunting on the Nate Berkus show. I'll have to follow your link. Love the quilted items...very beautiful.
I bet, based on those beautiful earrings, you went to the BoHo ball and Anne Marie's barn sale this weekend. Or maybe not the ball, but the barn sale itself.
And as for photoshopping yourself, we aren't supposed to tell those things!!! Your a natural beauty in my eyes!
i wanted to go!...a bit far from calif...you went to anne marie's barn sale! lucky. photoshop? naaa.... love your boho jewels! and your cute hair cut...
New Mexico?
Thanks for the Goodwill tip, I had no idea!
Did you know Quilt Market was right here where I live? Still didn't get me in the door.
I LOVE THAT WEDDING DRESS! And after helping #1 plan hers, I think every wedding should be a reflection of the bride and groom, not what a magazine dictates :(
Hang in there, being a caregiver for over 30 years myself, I can feel your frustration. It is of utmost importance to nurture and care for yourself.
That wedding stress is the very reason my husband and I decided to get married in Las Vegas. :0)
I'd like to say that I can literally live in Joanne Figueroa's booth. I don't care if there's no bathroom, I'll walk to a gas station...lol She has adorable taste!
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