First on the list is food. This morning we're going to partake in something delicious!

These are Margarita cupcakes. I know, I know. It's early in the morning but trust me, all the alcohol has evaporated.
I served these recently when my daughter was home for the weekend. They were a hit. The only thing I would do is to sprinkle just a tiny bit of sea salt on the top.
You'll find the recipe here:
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A nearby local town passed an ordinance that would allow people inside the city limits to keep chickens. The story goes on to state that as of this date not many people have applied for the permit to do so. I want chickens but truth be told, I don't know if I've got what it takes to be a coop keeper like Jayme!
And now....... I'm in love with this:

What neighbor would object to looking out their window and seeing Chez Poulet? It's from the creative and talented Heather Bullard. She's teamed up with an architect to offer plans for this chicken coop.
The plans are $39 and are available here:
She does mention that the supplies to build the coop were over $1,000 but I bet that some of you thrifters and gatherers could find ways to build it for less.
Do you keep chickens? Do you have any tips for those of us who are thinking about getting chickens?
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Here's an incredible time lapse video from photographer Daniel Lopez.
El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife from Daniel López on Vimeo.
The amazing thing to me is how the clouds act like waves upon a shore. Amazing.
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I'm working on something new for my shop. Stay tuned and I'll show you pictures later this week.
Have a great day everyone.

My plans for chickens rolled away about the same way that my hubby's eyes rolled when I mentioned the thought with the sweet offer of two silkies (oh sure, they were roosters, but so what?) on Saturday last. That is some wonderful chicken coop for sure. Maybe I could move in. ☺
Those look like delicious cupcakes. I will have to check out the recipe later.
I have chickens, although mine have to make do with a much more basic coop :). LOVE that one!
I have 18 hens and get 10 to 15 eggs a day usually. Chickens are easy to keep. Just 4 to 6 hens, and you will have a decent supply of eggs. There are many pretty breeds of birds. Some will even lay eggs that are almost a robin's egg blue. I find them just peaceful and relaxing to watch. And the hens are fairly quiet. My mother-in-law also has guinea fowl and peacocks (amongst others). They can both be very loud. The peacocks roam free most of the summer, but they like to roost on the deck or the roofs of the trucks. And they leave rather large droppings. And they have a scream that has made me think it was one of my children screaming, on more than one occasion.
Our hamlet is allowing chickens, too, but it is unlikely that we will get any.
Loved the time lapse video... my favorite part was the circle rainbows. We saw one recently. Seemed quite a phenomenon. We were amazed.
I hate it when the chicken house looks SOOO much better than mine.I agree Suzanne; I'd like chickens till it comes time to clean out the coop OR we have a foot or more of snow on the ground and their water has to be kept thawed. I'd opt out about then. I'm so lazy!
Your cupcakes have my mouth watering. Yum.
As far as the chickens, heck I just want that chicken coop for a playhouse for myself. :) That's a beautiful little structure!
I'd love to have fresh eggs. The poop -- not so much. Great fertilizer for our plants, but somebody would have to shovel it out of the coop and into the compost pile, and well, I'm not so much into that. We just buy our eggs at Trader Joe's, our organic chicken poop at the plant nursery, and there you go.
The people who live in back of us, right on the other side of our wall, have chickens. And a rooster. Yeah, that big boy is up crowing every morning at 4:30. Here in the suburbs of L.A. I'm quite sure this little set-up is not legal, but we're not going to make waves about it. Oddly enough, we've gotten used to the annoying rooster crowing -- it's kind of like white noise.
Ah life, always an adventure.
Suzanne, we have chickens and they are wonderful! I have 6 Plymouth Barred Rocks. They are hardy in winter and on 90 degree days. And the eggs they lay are WONDERFUL!!! I do not keep Roosters, only hens. They are charming, tame, and purr like kittens! You would love them!!! Plus, they are easy to keep. If you ever want to know more - you know where to find me! Hope I've convinced you!
Have a great day,
Spend the Thyme Farm
Okay, one more thing. You completely inspired me to blog about my chickens here on our farm. Come stop by and see why you would love to have a flock of your own! :o)
Hens are awesome. Roosters are LOUD.
I keep meaning to take our roosters to the local farm auction....but it hasn't happened yet.
You would likely enjoy a few hens. We really love ours. They started as a school project years ago and turned into a permanent fixture.
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