I've been busy behind the scenes here "At Home" preparing for a new gig. Yes, I quit that job. I could write a book but seriously I cannot waste my energy revisiting it or dwelling on it. I choose not to look back.
Back in March I mentioned in passing that I'd participated in a craft show. It was a spring craft show and true to northern Illinois it snowed the day before the show. That translated to small attendance. I did well regardless but the best thing about doing the show is that the folks at Heritage Prairie Farm invited me to be a vendor at their weekly farmer's market.
I decided to take the leap, quit the job and put all my energy into doing these weekly markets. My sister will be helping me and contributing her great designs. Since it's a farmer's market we will be focusing on the aprons, the aforementioned dishcloths, vintage cookbooks and kitchen gadgets, dishtowels, napkin rings and whatever else we can dream up.
The reason I haven't mentioned this before is that lots and lots of things had to fall in place to make it happen, not the least of which was discovering that we must carry $1,000,000 in liability insurance. YES...... that's a one with six zeros after it. ONE MILLION. Thankfully, the insurance is not as expensive as one might believe.
The first farmer's market is this Saturday and I just received the certificate of insurance today. Nothing like coming in under the wire.
Check out Heritage Prairie Farm. It's a really great venture.
They hold fabulous farm dinners and be sure to check out the link to their weddings. Can you imagine getting married under a beautiful white tent in the middle of a farm with the sun going down beyond the fields to the west? It's really a cool venue. For later in the evening they have a large circle of Adirondack chairs to sit around the fire.
The serve pizzas cooked over a wood fire on certain nights of the week and there's a small market store on the premises selling fresh eggs, cheese and honey from their apiary.
Like I said, my sister and I will be there starting this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fellow northern Illinois blogger Jen Rizzo will be just down the road at the Kane County Flea Market, so you can come visit both of us. The Kane County Flea Market is open on Saturday from 12 noon till 5 and Sunday from 7 a.m. till 4 p.m.
Now I'm off to try and get organized and do some signage.

Okay lady, when were you going to tell me about this? I have never heard of this place yet Mapquest tells me that I live only 22 minutes away. 22 minutes away! I love Farmer's Markets and this one looks fabulous! If it weren't for my son's First Communion this weekend I'd be there! Are you going to be there every Saturday this summer? Do tell so that I can stop by and enjoy!
And congrats on the new venture. You're going to be madly successful! I'm so jealous, I've toyed with the idea of doing something similar but fear and self-doubt always take over. You're my hero! Bonne chance!
Sounds like a perfect outlet for you and your sis. I hope that you have a lot of fun and do very well. Then you'll have to race home and crank up the sewing machines to have enough to sell the following week? You'll stay busy, which you like best anyway and you'll be busy doing the things you enjoy. I enjoyed seeing the wedding venue. That does sound like a wonderful way to have a wedding and a reception all in one beautiful location. Wish that I were closer because I'd love to check everything out in person.
One million dollars worth of insurance...< insert low whistle >
Congratulations on embarking on becoming a regular vendor at the Farmer's Market.... I wish you loads of luck (and good weather if it's outdoors)
I can't believe you need liability ins, let alone for a million dollars, for aprons and dish cloths...must be a standard thing they make all vendors do?
The new venture sounds wonderful. Do what you love!
i am excited! this is perfect for you and will be fun, unlike that stupid old gig. if i lived closer i would beg to work with you....weddings? hmmmm, do i see a opp for wedding accessories??? ring pillows etc...
this is going to be a blast! and you will be surrounded by lovely people, all good...
Congratulations, Suzanne. That place looks wonderful...so much going on. I would love to do a road trip and visit some Saturday. Best wishes on your new venture.
When you are ready to write a book about former jobs and employers--I can contribute, I have had some unreal experiences!
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