Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wash Day and Water Feature

Many of you have requested the recipe for my homemade laundry detergent. I just finished making a batch and I don't have enough empty milk jugs to make another batch. If you can wait until next week I'll be ready to do it again! Yes, we have lots of laundry here in the Farmer's house. I'll do a proper tutorial including my emulsification technique.

My sister is so clever. She's posted a tutorial on how to make a water garden bubbler feature using bowling balls! It's pretty easy and wait until you see how cool they are. There's also a wall fountain made from an old fluorescent light fixture. It's crazy clever


1 comment:

Kitty said...

I'm all for trying to limit the chemicals in our lives and look forward to your tutorial on the homemade laundry soap. I make my own facial/body bar soap with goat's milk, olive oil, coconut oil and vegetable shortening and don't think I'll ever go back to the stuff from the store.
P.S. Your sister's water feature is great! Recycle and reuse are becoming a way of life around my house.