After the war, the brothers were given military land grants in what is now Dickson County, Tennessee. They traveled there to claim their land, along with two younger brothers. The four brothers, Robert, John, Jeremiah and Nathan, settled the land, and family members still live within a 5 mile radius of the original homesteads location.
Today I write in honor and respect of those who came to this country to make a free life for themselves, and those who have served to protect and defend our country. Read on if you will, or pass by. This is simply a tribute to those in my family who have served.

Colors of the 8th Illinois Cavalry, Civil War Reenactors
There are no photos from this period, but great grandfather James Lewis Nesbitt served in the Confederate Army, Company B, 14th Tennessee Regiment of the General Archie Brigade. Rural life at this time was tenuous at best, and the women and children left behind had to keep the farm going. This was subsistance farming and if they were not successful they would not survive. Letters home reflected the men's concerns about the childrens health, and whether or not the wife had been able to obtain salt. Salt was vital to preserved the meat when a hog was butchered in the fall. This meat was essential for the family to exist through the winter.

George Washington Newton, my paternal grandfather, served in World War I. It was quite an adventure for a simple country farmer to travel to Vancouver, Washington to train. The photos from this period in time were actually postcards, as soldiers would not have access to a camera. The back of this postcard, which shows the soldiers setting up camp, reads, "This is a beautiful place. Say, I suppose you are almost read to plow corn. So long, George."
George's brother, Tinnoman Newton, also served in World War I. He trained at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which is still one of the largest training facilities. He also sent a postcard.

My father, Franklin Ray Newton, enlisted in the U.S. Navy 6 months after the attack at Pearl Harbor. He had just graduated from high school. His service included tours on destroyers and the U.S.S. Midway. He was aboard his ship in the Sea of Japan the day the treaty was signed with the Japanese government, ending the war. This photograph hung in his bedroom as long as I can remember, up until his death 17 years ago. The U.S.S. Midway is now a floating museum, docked in San Diego.
After discharge my father married my mother and started a family. His was working to save money for a home when he was called back into the Navy to serve in the Korean war. One thing I will say about his generation is that they were not whiners. Not a word was every said about having their plans disrupted to serve his country again. He served, was discharged a second time and they got on with their lives.
His brother, Jackie Newton enlisted in the U.S. Army after Pearl Harbor and served in the European theater. He was a German prisoner of war for over two years, returning to his beloved Florida panhandle where he farmed peanuts, cotton and sugar cane. He still lives within 3 miles of the family homestead.

Cousin Charles Sheldon served two tours in Vietnam. He was a career man, older than the troops he commanded. Died of a heart attack while serving in Vietnam. His half brother Mack Nolen was an enlisted man in the U.S. Navy for 25 years, serving also in Vietnam. My husband Paul Kathro, drafted into the U.S. Army in 1966, serving at Fort Knox, Kentucky during the Vietnam war.
To all these men I say, "I remember".
(This entry is republished from my photoblog,
Want to learn more about the history of Memorial Day? Read this:
What a heritage you enjoy! I am so grateful for each one of these men's service, but I also recognize the sacrifice of the women and children. Thank you for a wonderful Memorial Day post.
How do you republish something from your blog? Thanks
I'm going to step a toe into what seems to have become (at least where I live) an unpopular stance, but I don't care...
Let us hope that this great country of ours wakes up. Let us work to keep what our forebears worked, fought and died for.
What a wonderful memorial to your family! You truly come from a Service family.
I stumbled upon your blog and I love it! Will be back often.
Hi, Cousin many times removed. I am from the Nesbitt clan too. Mine came over in 1840 to NY and settled in Hoosick Falls, NY. Working in the woolen mills. And then ending up in Chicago in the meat packing business. Small world. Am also the 4th cousin 6 times removed to Ethan Allen who fought for this great country. Also the Flints who went from Vermont to fight the British in Mass. It is so great to know that this is in my history too. I wish kids now a day had the pride we have toward all those men that gave there time and lives so we could be free. Am so afraid the way the country is run today, that we won't have that freedom much longer. I hope there are still those farmers that will fight for our freedom.......great write....
You have done your family of servers proud, thanks for sharing!
OH, your family is so rich in its history in the military, and to you for telling us and to them I say "MANY, MANY THANKS"! What pride you must feel to know they all did their part. I so appreciate their unselfish service and their quiet determination to make their country the best it could be, just by being GOOD AMERICANS...not taking, only giving. I live to make them proud that they fought, and I hope to fight on, I feel a battle is just beginning in the fight to keep our nation free.
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