It seems like a good time to acknowledge the award I've received from Heidi, the Milk Man's Wife. Heidi got the award from Bob from "The Ranch" out in South Dakota. Hooray, I think we need more men around here, voicing their opinions and hanging out with us. Coffeeman, that means you too!

The aim of this award:
* As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
* To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
* Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it
* Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
* Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
* Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
* Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
Unfortunately, I could literally write a book on the importance of blogging and the internet in general. For those of us who grew up in a time when the most technologically advanced item was a plastic transistor radio, the internet is science fiction come alive.
I never cease to be amazed at the number of talented and wonderful people that inhabit our world. The development of the internet created a paradigm shift in the way that information moves. It's the most important shift in the way humans communicate since the Gutenberg Press. It represents connectivity in a way I never dreamed possible.
When I was a kid it was fun to have a pen pal from another country. With blogging I can have a thousand friends overseas. As an example, I have a reader from Poland. There is no way, other than the internet, that I would ever meet her in real life. I will say that the Google translations of her blog are unintentionally hilarious.
The ability to blog circumvents governments. This can be problematic for politicians but I don't care! I can get to know those people in Cuba, such as Yoani Sanchez, who along with other Cuban bloggers are able to present to the world the voice that would otherwise go unheard.
As a group, our collective wisdom is a powerful tool. We can share, we can cook, we can visit France every morning!
A problem arises when we realize that the choices are overwhelming. I've had to pare down my internet reading and for me an e-mail, a Twitter or a Tweet will never replace a hand written letter.
I've discovered, much to my surprise, that I love to write! Even more surprising is that people are willing to read it. At one point in life people were paid to read my stuff, my teachers! My wonderful high school English teacher is doing cartwheels in heaven at the thought that one of her students finds writing a joyful experience!

Miss Eleanor Johnson, Proviso East High School
Bloggers - I love you! One of the rules of this award is that I'm supposed to tag other people, but Mary from the Little Red House and I decided long ago that we'd simply say, "if you want to be tagged, consider it done".
Have a wonderful day. I cannot express how much your friendship means to me and the fact that you take time out of your busy day to read the blabberings of an old dinosaur living in the middle of nowhere.
I can't believe that people actually read my blog.
I hated writing in school, but blogging is just so fun.
Blogging is a HUGE blessing in my life. It's the creative outlet I longed for- for so very long. I am so happy to have "met" and keep in touch with so many awesome folks from around the country- including you!
Hey! I had a plastic transistor radio! I think it's important to branch out of your own world and see how other people live--whether you physically go and visit new places or just "visit" via the internet. Blogs are a great way to learn about other people and places and expand your knowledge beyond your own front door. We have come a long way since the transistor radio and the web is a wonderful communication tool. I would have a hard time living without the internet! Thanks, Suzanne, for opening up your corner of the world for all to see. I may not always comment, but I'm a loyal reader.
Thanks for all the sharing you do via blog, I appreciate the time and effort that goes into your posts.
An old dinosaur? Sigh. Suzanne, really, you must start speaking of yourself differently. Would you call your teacher an old dinosaur? Me? No! Say it isn't so!
I love reading your blog. I'm here for another dose daily.
Friends ask why I don't have a blog. The reason? Because I don't have time--too busy reading blogs written by others! Thanks Suzanne, Heidi, etc. Your blogs are enjoyed by many, many people.
We mowed our entire yard 2x yesterday. We've been having so much rain that it was really high. You could only see the head's of our resident birds peeking above the grass:) So we cut it high the first time and then shorter the 2nd time. That's a little too much mowing in one day for my taste.
Enjoy reading your blog!
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