10. Maple Valley, Washington
9. Oviedo, Florida
8. Germantown, Wisconsin
7. Trumbull, Connecticut
6. Novi, Michigan
5. Friendswood, Texas
4. Fairhope, Alabama
3. Liberty, Missouri
2. Peachtree City, Georgia
Number one on the list is......... wait for it.
St. Charles, Illinois
Yep, that's where we call home. We're the very last house on the left in rural, unincorporated St. Charles and we're actually in a smaller community that has a name but not a postal designation so officially we're in St. Charles.
It is a wonderful place to live but as I've said before it's a bit schizophrenic because of the culture clash between rural farmers and wealthier, upscale residents. It's not a fireworks kind of clash but it's very evident. Take for instance the fact that there's a Coach handbag store within 2.5 miles of Johnsen's Farm and Feed shop.
The Coach store which is technically just over the line into the next town. I walked in here once because my daughter was looking for a Coach organizer. Gosh, I got out quick because I felt out of place.

Here's Johnsen's Farm and Feed just 2.5 miles to the west.

Yeah, that's more my style. HA!
How about your corner of the world? What makes it the best place to live?

The Coach and Feed Store near each other speaks volumns.
that is interesting, my daughters both live in the Novi area, I wouldn't live there, too crowded. although we have to drive every where, I wouldn't move away, I like my country living, closest town has about 1200, village a few miles away has 100, maybe, no stores there anymore though.
I would go to the feed store before the coach store, of course, I don't like to shop!
thanks for sharing your pics.
Now you know very well that nothing even close to here made that list, unless counting Trumbull, CT. I would just like to add that my aunt and uncle can't wait to leave CT behind every summer for this corner, but that's another story.
How cool it must be to live in the number one best place in the country. I hope that you're not overrun by outsiders. ☺
Well...I know all about Friendswood TX and if you like year around heat, humidity and horrible commute times to get any where it is a great place to live.
Areas around Salt Lake City keep getting named as best cities and we have all decided if we want to keep it that way we should keep real quiet and never mention how great it is to live here. Balanced budgets in city and state are especially nice...I will mention that.
Good to know that you live in THE best place, Suzanne. It's only fitting. :) It sounds like a wonderful place to reside, and the feed store sounds infinitely more fun than the Coach store.
What makes my own corner of the world the best place to live, you ask? Well, it must be because it's the home of Crazy Buddy the Wonder Cat! You know, if all is well in Buddy's world, that's what matters. How do I know this? Because Buddy told me so, of course!
Aside from the bliss of Buddy's personal kingdom, I enjoy living here in my little suburban town a half hour and light years away from L.A. It's a nice place to live, we have a little downtown area that's very charming, and we take lots of walks to the park, visit the weekly farmers market, and enjoy the local environs. The mountains are just a few minutes from here and we enjoy hiking (very gentle, easy hikes, since I'm the all-time klutz and the champion at falling into the river) and being outside.
Generally speaking, life is good around these parts. Just ask Buddy. He'll tell you. Buddy knows all. He is the wise one.
Oooh, very cool to actually live in the #1 place :). I'm sure it lives up to it's title most of the time, and sometimes has you wondering.
I think any area where city/town and country come together has tension. I know, even out here, small farmer's get frustrated with land being subdivided into acreages, because it takes good land out of use and drives up land prices, out of reach of young/smaller farmers. But many people want country living without actually farming. The only ones that drive me crazy are the ones that move out to an acreage and then complain about the sights/smells/sounds of the farms around them.
What makes my small corner of the world the best place to live? A lovely small town, with great school, great church and great distance to the city (about 500km to the city - I like it that far). And lots of family around -grandparents and cousins just down the road, and a bunch more not too far away who love to get together for big holiday meals and summertime gatherings.
The climate here really stinks, but despite that, people in these parts are very kind.
Well you won't be for long now. That's what happened here. Nice little tiny town for years upon years and overnight it was half a million people. Sad.
You know they change the cities on that list every year... do their criteria change, or what.
I have lots of trouble here in CA. I'm a fat girl in a skinny world. Most of the clothing stores are either too little or too big. I'm at that between size. I feel uncomfortable in any store now a days... all the prices are way to high!
I love living in the piney woods region of east Texas with a view of the lake out my front windows. It's peaceful and serene. We don't hear sirens or road noises, just birds and nature! I will say it is hot here in the summer, and I'd love to experience real seasons. But, you can't have everything. Friendswood, TX is about an hour from us, but I wouldn't call it one of the best places to live. I've been to Peachtree City, and it's very nice and laid back there. Would love to see St. Charles one of these days.
I am chuckling. Myself, I would feel lost in a Coach store. Yet, the feed and seed does have marvelous things!! Interesting list of towns/cities. I knew a gril back 55 years from St. Charles.
THAT'S IT! I'm moving :)
Devon is classed as one of the last rural idylls in England with its moors, tiny lanes and beautiful coastline. Here in our isolated valley (only 1 close neighbour and a few more a mile away)we have the best of both worlds with a large market town with all the shops you could need only 15 mins away and Exeter another hours drive. Best of all it is only 20 mins to the coast ot 30 mins out to Exmoor. Still a bit too crowded for me though.
I live in a similar area -old community on the outskirts of Little Rock--semi rural area - horse farms, mansions, trailers, feed stores and 8 minutes from Anthropologie! Our Coach store is at the mall which is a good 25-30 minutes away!
Sounds like a great place to live, but I thought you were coming to Arkansas!
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