I have a job. More about that another day, just know that it's seriously cutting into my creative time. I'm feeling the itch because I'm just not sewing and crocheting as much as I'd like. My hands need to be busier than my brain. That's when I'm the happiest.
Want to play a little guessing game? It's fun. You get to guess where the Farmer and I went on vacation. I think I mentioned that we went south but that could mean alot of things. There are thousands and thousands of places south of northern Illinois and just because I said south doesn't mean that it was on this continent.
I'll give you a couple of clues. To get to our destination we passed through Herculaneum, which was west of Sparta, northwest of Cypress, Vienna, Karnak and Thebes!
We also passed through the place that felt one of the strongest earthquakes in written history.
How ar eyour geography skills? Can you guess? It's tricky.
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Finally the incredible heat has dissipated and the cooler temperatures mean we're not as cranky. I'm really afraid to look at the next electric bill, it's going to be ugly.
Thanks to Tess who has alerted me to the Russian spam bandits who have left comments in Cyrillic text. That's scary because I have no clue what it says. I think I've deleted them all. It's strange because Bloggers spam net catches most of that stuff but for some reason the Russian is sneeking through. Hopefully they're not trying to sell the Farmer a Russian bride! He don't need no bride, that's for sure.
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OK, it's date night around here which means we're headed to the free concert in the park. Does your town have something similar? We love these free concerts and it's such a treat for everyone who's feeling a pinch in the wallet. Unfortunately, the entertainment budget is the first to feel the hit.
Thanks for you patience because this blog has been languishing a bit while I struggle to get my creative voice back. Some of the bloggers on my reading list are taking and break and that's something I can understand. But, I was thinking, wouldn't it be sad if the only ones left standing were the paid bloggers, or those who are earning money by blogging? I just think the bloggers-without-agendas are much more interesting.
Have a great day everyone. Talk to you soon. Don't forget to put your thinking caps on.

Hmmm...Italy, Greece? A cruise? Glad you are back. I totally understand the brain freeze. Susan
Still thinking....Assisi, Italy, earthquake?
Good to have you back, you've been missed :)
P.S. I failed Geography!
OK, Herculaneum is Missouri on the Mississippi River south of St. Louis. I am familiar with all of the towns you mentioned in Little Egypt in southern Illinois, but you must have vacationed in southeast Missouri. Poplar Bluff? Tubing on the Black River? Lake of the Ozarks? There are so many great places to go. I suppose you are referring to St. Louis being along the New Madrid fault. Many years ago, one of the worst earthquakes along the New Madrid Fault almost destroyed Murphysboro, IL where one of my sons live.
Suzanne, I just read your previous post about your vacation...WOW! I see you rented a cottage...maybe it was somewhere on the Mississippi River. There are any number of beautiful places in southeast Missouri or along the Mississippi to spend vacation time. Will be waiting to hear more about the "good" times as well as the "bad" times on your trip!
Assuming Greece, but in our family I delegate geography to my husband the certified cartographer. :) Have been missing you. I'm going to be in northern Wisconsin in two weeks! When I eat at Norsk Nook I'll be thinking of you!
You went to Reelfoot lake? Or the current river....Pass Cape is the most desolated area in the world....Flat.....I just hope you had a good time......
Well, I guessed Missouri right off since I know the area somewhat, but not sure where.
Branson perhaps?
I "think" you were in southern Illinois...hope you had a good time. I agree 100%....I like bloggers who seem to be neighbor to me. Welcome back.
I thought Greece at first, right? Then I read the other comments! Well, if you are going to Branson you might pass through all kinds of European sounding cities....
(to Thirkellgirl - I, too have eaten at the Norski Nook. Yummy home cooking with Lefse and pie to die for! Thinest crust on the planet! Have fun there. My Mom and Dad use to live in Osseo, WI - what a small world!)
We here have missed you blogging. Missed the MMM! Missed the tours of midwest sights. We know you are busy, buuuuut....
I am not sure where you went, but you were smart to stay out of Texas! Have a terrific weekend. I'm off to see the new movie The Help. Have you read the book? It was terrific!
Yours at the Menger,
Thinking cap? Ackkk, my head hurts.
No, my community canned free concerts in the last economic downturn. Glad that you still have them, though.
Russian spam? Sounds nasty. I'm about to find out if you've added word verification...hope not!
Yes, more about the job. Not at Joann's I hope.
So glad to have you back - missed your posts. I do love the atmosphere of blogs with no ads. Can't decide where you were, but from others' posts I am assuming Missouri area. We don't do concerts in the park here in SE Texas - too hot - even in a normal summer when the temps are not over 100 for weeks (and I'm not talking heat index either). Can't wait to hear more vacation tales and about your new job too.
Just stumbled upon your blog and am really enjoying it. Living near Herculaneum I especially enjoyed your riddle about where you vacationed.
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