Things have been crazy this summer with graduation parties and the Other Mother's 90th party to plan. The garden and tomatoes just didn't happen this year. Sigh.
It's no matter because the local farm wives have bounty to share. They set up self-serve stands near the roadside and you're invited to stop and shop for fresh produce and sometimes eggs.

I wanted to include the above shot of the roadway with the cute little white parsonage to the right. It's a rental now because the pastor lives elsewhere.
The sign invites us to stop and have a look.

We need ingredients for our sandwiches.

Hooks hanging at the end of the table hold bags for our produce.

Can you believe how red these tomatoes are? The entire row and the ones in the basket are only 15 cents apiece. We're going to pick some juicy ones.

There's also some yellow squash and zucchini but we'll save those for another day. Four tomatoes ought to be enough. That's 60 cents which we'll put in the box.

Now, let's go back to the house and make our sandwiches. First we'll rinse them off.

We're going to need some crusty bread, salt and good quality mayonnaise. I'm putting my Blue Plate to good use. We're making 'mater sandwiches.

Nope, we don't need ham, beef, tuna or anything else, just home grown tomatoes.
Slice the tomatoes. Omigosh, can you stand this? There's not a store bought tomato anywhere that resembles this.

Give them a good dusting of salt, spread mayo on the bread. It's tomato glue, to prevent the slices from sliding out. It might not work because these tomatoes are very juicy.

Lunch is served. 'Mater sandwiches with iced tea.

I hope you enjoyed our trip to the farm stand. There are big, more commercialized stands but I prefer the little tables set up by the roadside. I doubt that this woman makes a lot of money with her excess produce but you never know. It's what my mom used to call "egg money".

OMG, you made these SOOOO delicious looking. You can't beat a "real" tomoato and paying by the honor system. That still exists in Illinois? Yummy post even though it is breakfast time!
Connie (aka LOU)
Yum, I love Mater sandwiches! Thanks for sharing a delicious lunch. Peace
I will eat a bowlful of sliced tomatos covered in balsomic. Makes me so happy!
Mmmmm-M!I love tomato sandwiches. I make mine with Hellman's Mayo, my mom likes them with Miracle Whip.
I grew my own tomatoes, but they ripened late, so I am glad we have similar roadside stands here in Central PA. I snatched up the first ripe ones I saw and made tomato sandwiches while waiting for some bacon to cook for BLTs!
Such beautiful tomatoes. I love "mater sandwiches"...thanks because now I will salivate in silence.
You've got my stomach growling.
I ate at the Norske Nook this past Sunday morning and thought of you. :) I asked the waitress if I could buy the coffee mug (it said "Mike's Septic - I take crap from everybody") and she said, (heavy sigh) "noooo..." Pause. "You could steal the mug, thooo."
Oh, I love mater sandwiches, and these look heavenly. The tomatoes are such a deep red and juicy. Tomatoes here stopped producing months ago - it's just too hot in Texas. I grew up in a small town in east Texas that had a stand similar to this one. he had a coffee can with a slot cut in the lid. Haven't seen one in over 30 years. Ahhh, I'm jealous of you living in a rural area where some things have not changed. Have a wonderful weekend!
My mouth is watering. Home grown tomatoes are few and far between in these parts. Lots of tomatoes are available all year long but NONE with the flavor of the tomatoes you are talking about. I can remember that flavor from childhood in PA and DE. Enjoy the season.
John says if you'll deliver some, he'll give you twice the money. ;>
Great deal on tomatoes! Our roadside stand sells them for 75 cents each.
Oh that tomato sandwich is killing me.
Just before I read your post I was having tomato sandwiches myself. I however had to go with some bacon and Miracle Whip. I love that little bit of sweetness it gives. Our tomatoes were from our garden so were WONDERFUL also.
There are still roadside sales of peaches near me on the North Carolina back roads. Yes just drop your money and take your peaches. Love it!
Wowzers, those tomatoes look soooooooooo good! Now I'm so hungry! That is one delicious looking sandwhich.
I loved the trip to the stand for the tomatoes. Gosh, that lunch was really yummy. Thanks for the mater sandwiches. Fresh tomatoe's are the best tasting.
We had a wonderful crop of tomatoes here in NE... still pickin' 'em. Never heard of that sandwich, thought you were going to put together a BLT! Looks like a lovely area there.
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