Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Book Tag

I've been tagged byJeanne. This a book tag and these are always alot of fun.

The rules are:
1. Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share seven random and/or weird book facts about yourself.
3. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

My seven random book facts:

1. I was slow learning to read. I was a part of the baby boom generation which meant the school systems were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of children that were approaching school age. As a result I didn't attend kindergarten, there was no room in the inn. That meant there were a number of us who started first grade at a disadvantage, and the classrooms were so crowded the teacher couldn't provide individual attention.

2. In fourth grade we drew names for a Christmas gift exchange. My wonderful teacher Miss Leifson drew my name and I was ecstatic. Surely the teacher would give a fabulous gift. I almost cried when I tore open the packaging to discover that she'd chosen a book. A BOOK!!! What kind of gift is that? It turned out to be wonderful. I begrudging read the book and found that it was enjoyable. Perhaps the young people in your life would appreciate it too. A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson.

3. My first book beyond Nancy Drew was The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. From that moment I was enthralled with reading and books in general. It was amazing to me that someone could transport you to another time and place using only words. I pay close attention to wonderfully skeletal sentences, which are those which pack a whallop with a minimal number of words.

4. For my entire life I've gone on reading jags. I'll read an interesting book and go on a jag reading everything written by that particular author. The same is true for subject matter. I got interested in what drives people who choose to climb Mount Everest, which inspired me to read every book ever written about the mountain and the climbers. I also read other mountain climbing books. I loved Gone With the Wind but unfortunately Margaret Mitchell only had one book in her.

5. My favorite author is Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. It may seem like an odd choice but the moment I read Cross Creek I felt a kinship with her. It was as though she was an old friend. I've visited her Cross Creek home and it felt like home to me. \

Marjorie's kitchen

Her typewriter was out on the porch facing the land that was once her beloved orange groves. I thought about negotiating with the University that maintains the property, in an attempt to allow me to write stories out on her porch, pecking away at her typewriter.

Marjorie's workspace.

6. There's no possibility that I could choose a favorite book because it changes over time as I change as a person. There have been many; The Good Earth, Gone With the Wind (read in one sleepless session), Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Stranger in a Strange Land, Little Women, Fahrenheit 451. Oh, and to Kill a Mockingbird which I am currently re-reading for the umpteenth time.

Can Scout and Jem be far away?

7. We converted our home office space into a library which holds about a thousand books.


There are other bookcases scattered throughout the house and the total is probably 2,000 books. We love books!!! I feel like the woman in Fahrenheit 451 who stands in a pile of her beloved books and chooses to burn alive rather than part with them.

8. Since I love to break the rules I've added a number 8 to my list. I have to explain that I am probably the only person who hasn't read any Harry Potter or Trilogy of the Rings. I simply find it difficult to read fiction. That's pretty wierd but give me non-fiction any day!

Below are the awards for these brave bloggers and I look forward to more tales of their daily lives. Thank you ladies for being a safe haven in a sometimes scary world. I hope that you enjoy the awards and share these offerings of gratitude with some other deserving story tellers.

I'm going to invoke Mary's habit of tagging people. If you want to be tagged, consider yourself tagged!!!

Have a wonderful day and keep warm.


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

What a wonderful post!

Atlas Shrugged is one of my all time favorite books. Although I don't share her political or theological leanings, I found that book to express the way I think of society so often.

I read a great article about Atlas Shrugged in (of all places) National Review on its' recent anniversary.

hayseed said...

I happened upon a first edition of Cross Creek in an out-of -the way bookstore, and just loved it -so evocative and lovely, I plan on visiting Marjorie Kinnan-Rawlings' homestead one day too. And it was lovely reading the yellowed vintage book .

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful stories about your reading adventures. I too find it hard to read fiction - just a little quirk I have. Though I just finished two fiction books - "These is my Words" and "Sarah's Quilt", By Nancy Turner. They have to be read in order, and are written in journal form, about a lady who grew up in the Arizona Territories. They are so realistic that I had to remind myself that they weren't real journals (which is my favorite thing to read - actual journals, not fiction ones)

Anonymous said...

I've never read Harry Potter or the Hobbitt series either. The one book that I've never been able to get into is Walden's Pond. Tried three times but can't get beyond the first few pages. The first "grown up" book I read was at 11, The Complete Sherlock Holmes.

Vee said...

Are you kidding me? I, too, am re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Speaking of one-book wonders, eh?

Now I knew that we shared a great love of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, but now this.

Loved this post!

Bella Della said...

To Kill a Mocking Bird is one of my all time favorites. I think I might have to give that a re-read...again :) Pearl Buck is amazing too. I am proud to have attended her alma mater Randolph Macon Woman's College in Lynchburg, Virginia. Formerly, I should say, they let boys in now. DON'T get me started on that.

Jenni said...

I think I may have to pick up this tag, but I've got another post in mind which must go first. Fahrenheit 451 was a favorite of mine in 7th grade. It's currently my 14yods' favorite. He was slow to read (needed vision therapy) and it's such a joy to hear him excited about a book. He's reading Fahrenheit 451 for his third time right now.

LDF said...

Ooh! I'm tagging me! I love to talk about books ... but it's going to have to wait until I get home 'cuz I'm playing hooky from a conference for work just now ...

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Suzanne; What a great post, I loved reading and learning more about you. It is so wonderful to be able to get to know each other better.


Rue said...

Hi Suzanne :)

That's why I love your blog so much. You are an author of your life and it's a wonderful read. Well, that and you gave me that fabulous apron ;)

Seriously though you have a gift with words and it holds my attention like only a few others can. Sometimes I'll wait to read your blog, because I want to take the time to go over it slowly and perhaps soak up some of your talent.

Have you read In the Garden of Good and Evil? The movie, of course, didn't live up to it, but it's in my top 5 favorite books and a true story.

Anyway, I have a scheduled post for Monday, but aside from that, I'm off for about a week, so have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family :)

Much love and big hugs sweet friend!

Kendra said...

Cool meme...I may tag myself with this one at some point.

I can't believe you read GWTW in one sitting! I got it from the library and was only able to read a couple chapters before I had to take it back 2 weeks later.

We read To Kill a Mockingbird back in high school lit...loved it. We read a lot of cool books during high school, especially my senior year when I was AP English/Lit. We read all kinds of stuff that year and I loved just about everything...short stories, Shakespeare, poems, collections, classics, modern. I will never forget that class.

J'Ollie Primitives said...

My sister's favorite book is GWTW. Her ancient copy is held together with rubber bands. It's been worn out by being read so often.
She does NOT want a new copy. That would be unfaithful.

Louise said...

I love the picture that refers to Jem and Scout!

I've never read Harry Potter, but did The Lord of the Rings one summer between grades 10 and 11.