It's amazing to me when I see those TV chefs cooking and baking in a kitchen (and a white apron) that is spotless. How do they do that? The minute I turn on the Kitchen Aid there's a cloud of flour and cocoa floating around.
Confession number two - I've never had a whoopie pie. Seriously, how did that happen? I must lead a very sheltered midwestern life. I've eaten my share of Moon Pie in my day but never one single whoopie pie.
Several food blogs have featured them lately and the Sunday Chicago Tribune published a recipe, so I thought it was time to bake some up and taste test them.
The best part of baking is the clean up. You know, the part where you get to lick the bowl.

The first batch of whoopies out of the oven were fairly uniform in size, at least there were matching pairs.

But soon things started to go awry.

Towards the end the whoopies were getting quite large and misshapen. Shades of blue/green alien scones.
I wasn't too sure about the filling because I'm not a big fan of Marshmallow Fluff.

But it's combined with butter, vanilla and powdered sugar. The result? HEAVEN.

Here's one of the more decently shaped whoopie pies. The verdict? Delicious! The whoopie part is more cake than cookie and it's barely sweet, leaving that job to the creamy white filling.

I've heard that they are very big in Maine so perhaps I'll move there and live out my days eating lobster and whoopie pies.
Oh, I forgot. Maine gets the same winter weather as Illinois so maybe not!
How about you? Have you had a whoopie pie? Do you love them?
Sorry, I can't share the Tribune's recipe without permission but here's Martha's version:

Love, love, LOVE Whoopie pies! Those look delicious!
Forget Maine....Lancaster County has the BEST whoopie pies!!! Just ask anyone around here...wink!
I'll have to dig out my whoopie pie recipe for you, but I know that authentic Lancaster County whoopie pies use LARD, not butter! And they are amazing. :)
Also... Becky is right. Maine SAYS they know whoopie pies, but that's just WRONG.
I am also a very messy cook and have also always wondered at the TV cooks staying so neat and clean :)
I would have said I've never had a whoopie pie, but I do think I've made something similar to this, many years ago. I should make them again. I'm sure my kids would love them.
Everyone in Maine loves whoopie pies. We all have our own variations of filling. Personally, I love mine the very best of all. It's not yours. :D Your whoopie pies do look delish.
Becky should stop talking smack. LOL! Yes, PA and ME are duking it out for who gets bragging rights to the whoopie pie. Not only that, but we recently had a battle in state over the blueberry pie or the whoopie pie being Maine's official dessert. (No, we don't have enough to do.) This was settled when it was decided that blueberry pie would be the official dessert and the whoopie pie will be the official snack.
I don't know. I'd be willing to have an official whoopie pie taste test contest. I'm sure I'd win. ROFL!
I've never had a whoopie pie either. I make a mess every time I cook and L-O-V-E "cleaning up"! My son always hovers 'round when I'm baking so he can help lick the beaters. Thanks for sharing.
I'm back...I had to see if Vee had anything to say and sure enough. LOL
When Chelsea worked at Bird in Hand bakery they would give a free whoopie pie to anyone with a Maine ID. The competition was pretty fierce and they gave away a lot of whoopie pies!
Fun post, Suzanne.
my daughter travels to Maine for her job and has brought us whoopie pies back, so far no lobster though. we are hoping to make it there 'some' day. Pam
Nope, never had a Whoopie Pie. I'd make them if I could just eat one, but sweets are my downfall... anything shaped or tasting like a cookie sends me over-indulging. I am happy to have your report that they are good. Love your blog!
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